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Broken Daily Challenges, AGAIN! Drop/Jump Shooting Why?

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Since the new update with new Daily Challenges, more & more of them DO NOT COUNT even after completing them (which i'm sure most of you are aware of)!


I didn't bother making a list of the Daily Challenges since day 1 that myself & teammates have endured since the latest update as have just gotten used to Vigor not caring about players legit complaints!


Well here's todays one that didn't count towards XP etc. It was on SHOOTOUT Mode (wouldn't play this mode if couldn't get XP etc from it) where I was required to score 1500 or more points. Well I recorded over 1500 points & yes you guessed it, it didn't count & didn't get the rewards that I was entitled to.


After skipping the past few seasons due to all of Vigor's constant issues that we all have endured since Season 1 & every update since then, it's time to go back to Apex & Fortnite as Vigor is still as broken of a game (that the Devs just don't care about) that it always has been & damn I feel stupid thinking that this will ever change regardless of the days & weeks if not more unfortunately of real life time I have spent on it waiting for things to change. 


Oh & the supposed decreasing/stopping of drop shooting (which still exists) to now allow jump shots (with even the machine guns) was the sort of ridiculous move that only Vigor Devs could think of would benefit the game as in 1 step forward & 3 steps back with any change they've made.


Who & why thought this would improve gameplay & for the love of all things holy/unholy, get someone on staff who has actually used firearms so they can explain the basics to the rest of the staff who obviously has not and seeing people shoot in other video games or movies/tv doesn't count as firearm experience (just ask Alec Baldwin).


Anyone else have this same issue/s or what's the latest Vigor issue/s you or team mates have experienced?

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Honestly, I really don't understand why you even bothered to come here and complain.

This is their official forum, have they updated the forum on the change logs from the most recent tweak they made to the servers regarding the lmgs? 

No... They couldn't care less about the community, it's simply just pumping enough money into Bohemia's coffers to keep them updating bits here and there...


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Yeah your right though just had to vent & guess i'm just a glutton for punishment coming back to this game, again & again :face_palm:


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