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[help]Remove enemy units from an array of units

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So i have a small script that searches for players near the player

_position = getPosASL player;
_radius = 25;
_list = (ASLToAGL _position) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius];

if i put _list after it, it returns...

[B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sean Spiegelman),Agent 0xcf352180,O Alpha 1-1:1]

It returns players with their names; B before the group name means Blufor and O - Opfor, if an entity isn't a player, there is no name inserted in the array...
What i can't wrap my head around is how to remove Opfor/Independent units from said array. Please help

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Something like this might help...

private ["_radius", "_men","_opfor_men", "_blufor_men", "_ind_men"];
_radius = 25;
_opfor_men = [];
_blufor_men = [];
_ind_men = [];
_men = (ASLToAGL getPos player) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius];
	if (side _x == opfor) then {_opfor_men pushBack _x;};
	if (side _x == blufor) then {_blufor_men pushBack _x;};
	if (side _x == independent) then {_ind_men pushBack _x;};
} forEach _men;

hint format["OPFOR List=%1\nBLUFOR List=%2\nIND List=%3", _opfor_men, _blufor_men, _ind_men];

In the above example, I made myself a captive which turned me into a CIVILIAN.

private ["_radius", "_nearbyPlayers"];
_radius = 25;
_nearbyPlayers = [];
	if (side _x == blufor && _x distance player < _radius) then {_nearbyPlayers pushBack _x;};
} forEach AllPlayers;
hint format["Nearby Players=%1",_nearbyPlayers];

The above version only returns nearby players within _radius using the AllPlayers (see switchableUnits too)

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16 minutes ago, deadactionman said:

Something like this might help...

private ["_radius", "_men","_opfor_men", "_blufor_men", "_ind_men"];
_radius = 25;
_opfor_men = [];
_blufor_men = [];
_ind_men = [];
_men = (ASLToAGL getPos player) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius];
	if (side _x == opfor) then {_opfor_men pushBack _x;};
	if (side _x == blufor) then {_blufor_men pushBack _x;};
	if (side _x == independent) then {_ind_men pushBack _x;};
} forEach _men;

hint format["OPFOR List=%1\nBLUFOR List=%2\nIND List=%3", _opfor_men, _blufor_men, _ind_men];

In this example, I made myself a captive which turned me into a CIVILIAN.

Huh???????????? Crap...
I kinda don't understand... The problem is, i need to execute code using forEach on the blufor array...
Crap i don't understand. Does this mean that pushBack removes the selected unit from the _men array???

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Just now, Doggifast said:

Huh???????????? Crap...
I kinda don't understand... The problem is, i need to execute code using forEach on the blufor array...
Crap i don't understand. Does this mean that pushBack removes the selected unit from the _men array???

Simply execute the code on the blufor array and discard all the others! You're a genious mate!

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pushback just adds _x to another array. _men = all the nearby men, then forEach goes through each one (_x each time), checks to see if it matches the criteria and then adds THAT unit to the new array.

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2 minutes ago, deadactionman said:

pushback just adds _x to another array. _men = all the nearby men, then forEach goes through each one (_x each time), checks to see if it matches the criteria and then adds THAT unit to the new array.

Mate you're a genious. Let me see if that works out for my script.

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16 minutes ago, deadactionman said:

pushback just adds _x to another array. _men = all the nearby men, then forEach goes through each one (_x each time), checks to see if it matches the criteria and then adds THAT unit to the new array.

It works perfectly man, thank you very much!

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Or simply:

private _position = getPos player;  //  getPos already returns position AGLS
private _radius = 25;
private _nearUnits = (_position) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius];
private _westUnits = units blufor;
private _list = _nearUnits arrayIntersect _westUnits;  //  create new array of units only found in both arrays
hint str _list;


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If its PvE and all players are on same team then you don't need to worry about group side

_list = (allPlayers inAreaArray [_position,_radius,_radius,0,FALSE]) - [player];

If there are players on multiple sides and you're trying to filter down for the players side

_list = ((allPlayers inAreaArray [_position,_radius,_radius,0,FALSE]) - [player]) select {(side (group _x)) isEqualTo playerSide};


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