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Loot POI cycle variety!

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It would be really great to add more POI variety cycle.Now we have "Container" "Barred house" "Timed safe" It would be great to add more for cycle!

Could add only Resource unlockable entry in the building.Like same with the exits.10 wire or 2 electronics for example.The difference it would make that outlanders could not open it straight away if getting a good spawn location as it currently is.They would have to go and look first to see what they need to grant acces.Giving other outlanders more time to loot same location.

Another POI could be something like Radiated zone where you would need Iodine to loot the place.

Another location could be where you need a knife in your loadout so you could free the door and open it faster!Not to use it as a weapon but Important tool also(Electric cables,rope,wire etc.)

That would be at least some use to the knives LoL

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