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UnitCapture and landing gear down?

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I found that unitcapture can't record the player's landing gear lowering , and I want to record an AI aircraft landing on an carrier , but if AI doesn't know how to put down his landing gear, it's all out of the question


unit action ["LandGear", unit];  will not work,it's only for player or when player in that vehicle it's work,if don't it's not work

any idea?????plz help

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As the wiki says, in order to use landgear for AI, the action must be done on every frame. Have you tried this way?




Lowers the landing gear of an aircraft. In the case of AI-controlled aircraft, it has to be used in an each-frame loop to to override the AI behavior (otherwise they'll raise the landing gear when they take off).


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1 hour ago, Ibragim A said:

As the wiki says, in order to use landgear for AI, the action must be done on every frame. Have you tried this way?


shit it's work , you are god !

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Apart from the onEachFrame. Have you tried:

unitName action ["LandGear", vehicleName];
driver vehicleName action ["LandGear", vehicleName];
unitName action ["LandGear", vehicle unitName];

In your example, you used unit (unitName) instead of vehicleName.


By the way, the command works for me even without an onEachFrame.

But in multiplayer, it still doesn't work every time, even though it has a global effect. Maybe I'm missing the onEachFrame there.

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1 hour ago, Joshua9797 said:

Apart from the onEachFrame. Have you tried:

unitName action ["LandGear", vehicleName];
driver vehicleName action ["LandGear", vehicleName];
unitName action ["LandGear", vehicle unitName];

In your example, you used unit (unitName) instead of vehicleName.


By the way, the command works for me even without an onEachFrame.

But in multiplayer, it still doesn't work every time, even though it has a global effect. Maybe I'm missing the onEachFrame there.

these code only work if player in the vehicle,but what I want is a unitcaputre plane unit put down its gear without player in it

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Ah, okay, I think I see the problem now.

The "action" function only works on a unit.
So either a player or an AI.

In your case, you'll need to place an AI in the driver's seat.

You can achieve this through a script by doing the following:

//inside e.g. Trigger
_crew = createGroup [civilian, true];
_unit = _crew createUnit ["B_helicrew_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_unit moveInDriver vehicleName;

_unit action ["LandGear", vehicleName];


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