Alith Evo 2 Posted June 14, 2022 Hello, I am looking into editing an older script. It has an issue where the AI try to follow all targets, so groups will chase planes and helicopters. How would I go about editing the following to filter out air targets? if ( [_enemy, _group, _logic] call (TCL_Move_F select 1) ) then { _position = [_enemy, _group, _logic, _array] call (TCL_Move_F select 2); }; if ( (_leader distance _position > 10) || (_leader distance _waypoint > 10) ) then { _group move _position; if (alive _spot) then { _spot setPos _position; }; }; Full code from TCL_Move_F.sqf TCL_Move_F = [ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move Function #0 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move // By =\SNKMAN/= // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {params ["_enemy","_group","_logic","_array","_spot","_waypoint"]; private _leader = (leader _group); private _position = (_group getVariable "TCL_Position"); private _waypoint = (_group getVariable "TCL_Waypoint"); if ( [_enemy, _group, _logic] call (TCL_Move_F select 1) ) then { _position = [_enemy, _group, _logic, _array] call (TCL_Move_F select 2); }; if ( (_leader distance _position > 10) || (_leader distance _waypoint > 10) ) then { _group move _position; if (alive _spot) then { _spot setPos _position; }; }; _group setVariable ["TCL_Waypoint", _position]; _group setVariable ["TCL_Position", _position]; ["TCL_Position", _group, _position] call (TCL_Marker_F select 0); // player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Group > %1 > %2", _group, _position]; True }, // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move Function #1 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move // By =\SNKMAN/= // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {params ["_enemy","_group","_logic"]; private _return = False; if (_group in (TCL_Hold select 0) ) then { if ( [_group, _logic] call TCL_Trigger_F ) then { _return = True; }; } else { if (_group in (TCL_Waiting select 0) ) then { if ( [_enemy, _group, _logic] call (TCL_Waiting_F select 0) ) then { _return = True; TCL_Waiting set [0, (TCL_Waiting select 0) - [_group] ]; }; } else { _return = True; }; }; _return }, // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move Function #2 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move // By =\SNKMAN/= // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {params ["_enemy","_group","_logic","_array"]; private "_position"; private _knowsAbout = 0; if (alive _enemy) then { _knowsAbout = (_group knowsAbout vehicle _enemy); }; private _value = 100; private _distance = 0; private _object = _logic; private _leader = (leader _group); private _direction = (random 360); if (_knowsAbout > 0) then { private _count = (count _array); // if ( (_count > 0) || { (floor (random 100) < 50) } ) then if (_count > 0) then { if (_count == 0) then { _count = 1; }; private _units = (units _group); private _range = (TCL_Tweak select 1); private _random = (TCL_Tweak select 2); if (_leader distance _logic < _range) then { if (combatmode _group isEqualTo "RED") then { _random = (_random + 15); }; if (_leader in _array) then { if (isNull objectParent _leader) exitWith {}; _random = (_random / _count); // player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Leader > %1 > %2 > %3", _group, _random, _count]; }; } else { _random = 100; }; if (floor (random 100) < _random) then { _distance = (_leader distance _enemy); private _tweak = (TCL_Tweak select 3); _value = 1 + (random _tweak); _distance = (_distance / _value); //player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Move > %1 > %2 > %3%4 > %5 > %6 > %7 > %8", _group, (count _array), (round _random), "%", round (_leader distance _enemy), (round _range), (behaviour _leader), (combatMode _group ) ]; } else { _distance = 0; _object = _leader; // player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Stop > %1 > %2 > %3 > %4 > %5 > %6 > %7%8", _group, round (_leader distance _enemy), (behaviour _leader ), (combatMode _group), (count _array), (round _range), (round _random), "%"]; }; // player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Visible > %1 > %2 > %3 > %4 > %5", _group, _range, round (_leader distance _enemy), (combatMode _group), (behaviour _leader ) ]; _direction = (_enemy getDir _leader); if (floor (random 100) < 50) then { _random = (random 10 - random 10); _direction = (_direction + _random); }; // player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Direction > %1 > %2", _group, _direction]; } else { _skill = [_group] call TCL_Accuracy_F; _value = (_value / _skill); _distance = (random _value - random _value); //player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Random > %1 > %2 > %3", _group, _skill, _value]; //player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Random > %1 > %2 > %3 > %4 > %5", _group, round (_leader distance _enemy), (behaviour _leader ), (combatMode _group), (count _array) ]; }; } else { _distance = (random _value - random _value); if (alive _enemy) then { if ( (group _enemy) isEqualTo (_logic getVariable "TCL_Group") ) then { _groups = (_logic getVariable "TCL_Reinforcement"); {if (_x knowsAbout vehicle _enemy > 0) exitWith {_logic setPos (getPos _enemy) } } count _groups; }; }; }; if (vehicle _leader isKindOf "Ship") then { _direction = (_enemy getDir _leader); _distance = (_leader distance _enemy); _distance = (_distance - 300); private _position = [_object, _distance, _direction] call TCL_Real_Pos_F; if (surfaceIsWater _position) then { _distance = _distance; } else { _distance = (_distance + 200); }; }; if (_logic getVariable "TCL_Artillery" select 1) then { if (_leader distance _logic < 200) then { _distance = 0; _object = _leader; // player sideChat format ["TCL_Move_F > Artillery > %1", _group]; }; }; _position = [_object, _distance, _direction] call TCL_Real_Pos_F; _position } ]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarogahtyp 1109 Posted June 14, 2022 idk this is a new case of riddling around... I GUESS _enemy is the object which gets chased by the script. if that is the case then just do not call the script if those enemy is an air vehicle. isKindof should help you there something like if !(_enemyObject isKindOf "Air") then { // execute the script }; put somewhere should help. Also this is very funny: if (surfaceIsWater _position) then { _distance = _distance; } ... It has just no sense at all. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites