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Other players left arm/chest insignias not showing in MP

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I'm working on a vietnam-campaign using SOG Prairie Fire for my group, and for different missions I want different insignias on the left arm and chest (like an Aircav-patch for example).

However, when playing the missions with my friend on his dedicated server I can only see the insignias on my own character model, not on my friends (and he cannot see them on my character either). Same goes for AI Characters, however, when testing it in SP the insignias show up on AI characters. Chest insignias chosen in the arsenal show up fine for both me and my friend after exiting the arsenal so my guess is the insignias aren't applied properly on mission start on dedicated for some reason.

Anyone know any solution to this? Our unit insignia (on the right arm) works fine.  I've added the insignias/patches using the options in the editor. If my friend instead hosts the mission himself without a dedicated server, he can see my insignias but I cannot see his.


Picture showing what insignias/patches I'm talking about (note, having the aircav-patch all around is just an example! haha):



and the editor options:



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There have been quite a few topics about this in the past (meaning this is one of those seemingly simple things that isn't so simple), and I believe the core of the problem is that the insignia slot must be emptied before it is applied. And apparently using the editor identity tab doesn't work.


So, in both initPlayerLocal.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf, you would want to do something like:

[_player, ""] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;  // set insignia to empty
[_player, "INSIGNIA CLASSNAME"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;  // set insignia

Of course, any time someone chooses a new loadout (if that's an option), it will likely overwrite this, so you might want to do it after they leave a certain area, or at the end of any loadout scripts, or anytime they close the Arsenal, etc. It depends on how your mission is structured.

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Thank you for your reply, I'll look into this!

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