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02: Ambush completed the hard way

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Well this game can still suprise me, even today.
After a few retry and loaded saves, it turns out that ambush can be completed the hard way, even after the tanks starts rolling in, and you get the command to retreat from Houdan.
It was true chaos, completely alone there, running in and out of houses in the town, popping armored vehicles, and some straggler infantry while trying to scavage even more rgp rockets from dead soldiers avoiding any line of sight with those bmp-s and t72-s, and those sneaky soldiers closing in on me.
At the end the only thing that prevented the mission completion is some random enemy sitting with a grenade launcher east of Houdan. When i finally found that guy and dealt with it, the mission finaly get a good ending, despite my commander nagging me to evacuate with that chopper the moment we set foot in the town.
Here is my proud achivement of completing this absolute insane mission on veteran difficulty.


This game still rocks, and still can be a challanging immersive and fun experience, even with its sometimes funky graphics.
Any other non-convetional ways to complete missions you guys know about?

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Whoa – I didn't even know it was possible to complete this mission with a good ending ! 😮

I thought at most the mission would end normally, even when you defeated all enemy forces.

It's amazing Bohemia accounted for the possibility that the player manages to destroy all enemies, even though it's clearly not intended by the developers.

I guess they put more effort into this mission to account for all possible different outcomes, since it was originally used as the 'demo' for OFP...

But it's a nice easter egg and feature that I didn't know even after 20 years of playing this game ! 👍


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