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Tory Xiao

How to copy rotation information of compositons in 3den editor?

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I tried 3den Enhanced mod but it only provides the function of copying the array of positions and classname of each component in the composition, no rotation info

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I did not find an easy solution but you could use the debug console (in "Tools" menu or shortcut Ctrl + D ) for it.


First select the object what you need the rotation of. Then open debug console and paste this in it:

copyToClipboard str (  get3DENSelected "object" select 0 get3DENAttribute "rotation" );

Press "Local Exec" or just hit Enter key and the rotation is in your clipboard.

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9 hours ago, sarogahtyp said:

I did not find an easy solution but you could use the debug console (in "Tools" menu or shortcut Ctrl + D ) for it.


First select the object what you need the rotation of. Then open debug console and paste this in it:

copyToClipboard str (  get3DENSelected "object" select 0 get3DENAttribute "rotation" );

Press "Local Exec" or just hit Enter key and the rotation is in your clipboard.

But it seems still only 1 rotation gets copied not the whole array 

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i could swear it was the whole array when i tested it.

Will take a look at it tomorrow

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_output = [];
	_output pushBack [
		typeOf _x, 
		_x get3DENAttribute "position" select 0,
		_x get3DENAttribute "rotation" select 0
}forEach get3DENSelected "object";
copyToClipboard str _output;


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