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D.murphy man

Idea for mp mission

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Hey all.

Iv been playing OFP online alot lately but,im getting a bit bored of the usuall CTF,TDM or DM ect.. i want summing new,summing along the lines of C&R and civ role play.But there aint many mission likes thous sadly confused.gif So heres my idea.

How bout Zombies (ok dont click back yet!hear me out first this could be good trust me) a island infested with zombies im thinking of skye island.so since this is MP youll have team mates witch you must meet up with and ecscape from the isalnd.

features could be:

*night and day cycle

*random weath change(mainly heavy fog for atmosphere wink.gif )

*lack of ammo

*multiple ways of ecscaping witch the players must find there selvs

My second idea is a bit more complocated and was inspired by C&R and Civ role play.

This could also take place on Skye island but insted of the isalnd all ready being infested by zombies it starts befor the infestaion.

Players can choose there roles from soldiers,police and civilians.then,live there lives erning money and buying suplies for the inpending invasion.Then after a certain time the infection will begin and zombies will start from one end of the island invading some small town some where and moving on to the citys then intire island,then who ever chose the soldiers roles will have to protect the citys and town from the zombies,the civilans must try survive and the police must keep the order amongest the caos biggrin.gif .

Possible features:

*Civlians can kill each other then steal money off each other bodys (thus creating a jobs for the police and also another thing to worry about as well as zombies wink.gif )

*night and day cycle as well as random weath change

*Being able to rob shops,houses,banks,cinimas,ect..(so whiles police r busy with zombies the civis can go cause some riots tounge.gif )

*Respawn intill the intire island gets conquerd by zombies.

*Soldiers r not very well equiped also soldiers can build barriers (like cops in C&R)

*soldiers and cops cannot steal money from civilians and civilians canot steal money from soldiers and cops

well thats it!If any one can think of any other ideas for this there welcomed to say.Allso i am attempting to make the first idea my self but sadly things aint going well at the moment confused.gif The second idea was directed towards any one who thinks they can possibly make it.It would be like a heavly modifide C&R + Civ role play missions.whever my second idea is possible in multiplayer is open for discussion.

P.S.If u dont like this idea plz dont flame me  sad.gif and sorry for the ammount of writing and thank u for spending ur time reading it.


     D.murphy man

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Good idea, the zombies, but no! Some people are too focused on realism! Zombies they don't like because they are not realistic and they HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THEM! Otherwise, their computer will explode! wink.gif

I would like at least SOME monster addons! And not realistic? There are UFO addons out there! Are THEY realistic? Well, if u live in Bizzaro World, maybe, but seriously! COME ON!

Again, nice idea, Murphy man!

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well u wouldent have to download zombies u could have civilians with there health low so they look like bloody zombies then couple of scripts here and there sorted a zombie that chases and killes you biggrin.gif

And UFO addon insted of zombies nice idea invasion of aliens v nice idea

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hey all again,

I just happen to have a script for zombies if any one wants it

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_zombies = _this select 0

_i=count _zombies

{removeAllWeapons _x;_x addWeapon "StrokeFist"} forEach _zombies




_zombie=_zombies select _i

_target = nearestObject [_zombie, "SoldierWCrew"]

? _zombie distance _target <= 1 : _zombie addMagazine "StrokeFist"; goto "attack"

? _zombie distance _target > 1 && _zombie distance _target <= 5 : goto "engage"

? _zombie distance _target > 5 : _zombie move getPos _target


?_i==0:_i=count _zombies

goto "main"


_nX = getPos _target select 0

_nY = getPos _target select 1

_zombie setPos [_nX, _nY]

goto "back"


_zombie fire "StrokeFist"

_x = random 2

? _x <= 1 : _target setDammage (getDammage _target + 0.1)


_zombie removeMagazines "StrokeFist"

goto "back"<span id='postcolor'>

It has a bit of bugs in it.but part from that its perfect for a zombie mission.part from u cannot have more then one crew soldier other wise the zombies seem to get confused and jus go after one soldier at a time,and also they dont seem to like it on hills confused.gif but this script is good for any one planning on making a single player mission involeing zombies wink.gif

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More than zombies wow.gif , I'd like to see an "Escape from New York" type of mission, zombies replaced by muggers & other criminals. But nevertheless, civilian missions with weapons being very scarce but having an option to buy them is generally a good idea.

Actually I've had this eternally unfinished project quite similar to bn880's Working Mission where some of these things are actually implemented. The setup is an anarchic Nogovo, very dark and hostile environment. Earn money by taxi driving (not as safe as in bn880's mission wink.gif ), stealing & selling cars or signing assassination contracts. Buy vehicles and weapons. Avoid competing henchmen and try to survive.

It's not that far from being finished, but it will take some time to polish it up.

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cool,u can bet ill be the first one downloading that wen its finished  wink.gif

And the idea of my urrr well idea is to live a life of normality and then see it get fliped upside down and into chaos!where ull see ur home town or city and jobs get destroyed by zombies or summing and making u go on the run trying to survive and with no job (since ur old job got infested by zombies)a life of crime will become more tempting.So this give the police and army more of a reason to stop the invasion in the first place wink.gif so as u imagin this MP mission could be quite a lot of fun if its possible at all.

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right by the look of this topic no one is willing to make this.I guess all the scripting geniuses have got more important things to attened to confused.gif

so if u want thing done u have to do them ur self i supose.Witch means that i am going to try and take on the HUGE project by my self! and im not going to give up on this i think this could be a truely great multiplayer experience and must be made,insted of this good idea going down the pan.

So if any one with any skills in mission editing wish to help plzz PM me (I dout any one will sad.gif ) and if any one has any sort of mission template witch involes buying and erning money plz email me at dmurphyman@hotmail.com

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yep but this time im deffenitly gonna do it befor i gave up due to lack of help sad.gif but im gonna do this time! as long as i can find help!

i allso asked for help on OFPEC forums but thous forums r slow as hell! they hardly move and they seem a bit all over the place too

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