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So I’ve put 3 AIs in my trunk..

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Hello there, fellow arma enthusiasts!

So a brief foreword. I’ve played around with editor for some time, made some missions for private plays with friends etc, and now finally set on a journey to compile a working public mission that runs as smoothly as possible. And it is, to some sort.. if played as intended - there are no problems from start to finish. BUT, as one might say - “there is no safety from fooling around”. So I called in my friends and we did a good bunch of stress testing, and oh boy did things go wrong.. 


Now to the problem. At a certain moment in the mission a helicopter arrives, carrying 3 AI VIPs, who then disembark and make way to a player convoy. Players are there waiting for them in vehicles, the main one is a humvee with 4 seats (in which the VIPs get in via a waypoint as passengers/cargo). Then the players drive around locations, sort of pmc vip style, where vips get out, do their job, get in again etc.


The problem: when a player is a driver of a humvee, the AI vips get in as passengers no problem, even if the humvee is empty, they get in as cargo and wait until you drive them to the location. BUT, if at any time you switch seats with VIP inside the vehicle, they disembark and walk off to their business.


I’ve spent a good amount of time on the solution to this, but seems as if interfering with those vips in sense of inside vehicle positions breaks the chain of waypoints and triggers of said AI. The VIPs are a separate squad, so the player does not have direct control over them*


I’m looking for a smooth solution like locking cargo of a humvee, so that players can get in only as driver and not switch seats, but AI enter as passengers for example. That would solve the problem of interacting with AIs path through mission, and prevent any player from randomly getting in a spot that is reserved for that specific AI. If there is any script/command/handler on your mind, please share, that would save my day! 


I know there are things like lockCargo, but the option is general, so it locks the cargo for AI as well. There is however a lockplayer option over the whole vehicle lock, but then none can enter any position of the vehicle. I was not able to find a playerlockcargo variant, or any alternative sadly. 


Another interesting detail of behaviour I noticed and would like to try and fix. If the VIPs get in cargo of humvee, noone is driver, and a player group leader commands his squad to disembark from other convoy vehicles - the VIP will instantaneously get out and walk off to their business. However if a player or another players squad member is driver of a humvee, and disembark order is issued - the VIPs stay inside the humvee and wait until you bring them to their locations. 


I know it’s a lot of text, but the problem is quite unique it seems, since I was not able to find almost any solution in the open sources, so I try it here.


Once again, I am not a pro in scripting and editing and would probably not understand huge chunks of code, but I will try my best, and thanks in advance if any of you have in mind a solution to this!

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Forbidding a specific action for a player with inGameUISetEventHandler:


1. Detect the engine based name of the desired action using this in debug console and then executing those action:

inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", "hint str (_this select 3); false"];

Now changing to a passenger seat will hint "MoveToCargo". This is the engine based name.


2. forbid that action to get executed:

inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action",
 if ( _this select 3 isEqualTo 'MoveToCargo' ) then 
  hint 'currently forbidden';


3. allow the action again:

inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", ""];


But always pay attention to those special notes in the wiki:


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