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Rook Mk1

Custom Campaign Missions Wont Update

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I'm making a custom campaign, and whenever I try adding a new mission it just refuses to acknowledge that I added a new one. I made a class with the template name exactly the same as the one in the campaign's mission folder but it stops at the previous mission. In the past I could just duplicate the campaign folder and it would work, but in this case it's just refusing to show.


//Campaign Description.ext

class Chapter1 : NoEndings
		firstMission = Mission1;
		endDefault = ; // other endings are defined by inheritance from NoEndings
		class Mission1 : MissionDefault
			end1 = Mission2;	// other endings are defined by inheritance from MissionDefault, inheriting from NoEndings
			end2 = Mission2;
			end3 = Mission2;
			end4 = Mission2;
			end5 = Mission2;
			end6 = Mission2;
			endDefault = Mission2;
			template = BW_takiBase.takistan;
		class Mission2 : MissionDefault
			end1 = Mission2a;	// other endings are defined by inheritance from MissionDefault, inheriting from NoEndings
			end2 = Mission2a;
			end3 = Mission2a;
			end4 = Mission2a;
			end5 = Mission2a;
			end6 = Mission2a;
			endDefault = Mission2a;
			template = BWCAMP02.takistan;
		class Mission2a : MissionDefault
			end1 = Mission3;	// other endings are defined by inheritance from MissionDefault, inheriting from NoEndings
			endDefault = Mission3;
			template = BW_RoadAttack.takistan;
		class Mission3 : MissionDefault
			end1 = Mission4;
			end2 = Mission4;
			end3 = Mission4;
			end4 = Mission4;
			end5 = Mission4;
			end6 = Mission4;
			endDefault = Mission5;
			template = BW_Search.takistan;
		class Mission4 : MissionDefault
			end1 = Mission5;	// other endings are defined by inheritance from MissionDefault, inheriting from NoEndings
			end2 = Mission5;
			end3 = Mission5;
			end4 = Mission5;
			end5 = Mission5;
			end6 = Mission5;
			endDefault = Mission5;
			template = BW_NightRaid.takistan;
		class Mission5 : MissionDefault
			end1 = Mission6;
			end2 = Mission6;
			end3 = Mission6;
			end4 = Mission6;
			end5 = Mission6;
			end6 = Mission6;
			endDefault = Mission6;
			template = BW_Battle.takistan;
		class Mission6 : MissionDefault
			template = BW_rubble.takistan;



Stops after mission 6

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