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Sharing a script to loot equipment and weapons from dead units

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Hello! A few people have asked me to share a draft looting script I use when I play Vindicta in single player.


The current version of the script loops around all the dead bodies and dropped weapons on the floor within a given radius and extracts everything carried by the units into either the crate/container you are looking at or into an Old Man DLC infinite container.

You can see the script in practice at the 1h00mn52s in the video below (the timestamp should take you there)



The big caveat here is that I have a very limited arma scripting experience so it’s a bit clunky: it only works from the Console Debug and has two known bugs:

-          Setting _remove = true removes the equipment from the ground but also breaks the looting of the ammo, you get zero ammo.

-          The infinite crate created via createContainer = true is no longer draggable on Ace. I do not know why. I recommend using Zeus to move it around and closer to your vehicles for loading/unloading.


I am also not the author of the last section of the script but not sure who to credit it to (yet!). I spent countless hours over the past two years on the forum trying to stich this together so it's a bit of a blur.


Anyway, the script is below:

  • Paste it in the console and run it.
  • Tweak the optional fields to meet your needs.


	// The cargo space of the object seems to be a problem, the function works
	// but the amount of equipment it picks up makes any normal storage overloaded
	_bodies = allDeadMen; // list of dead units, not optional
	_to = cursorTarget; // where the equipment will be added, not optional
	_remove = false; // removes the looted equipment from the ground, optional but bugged when true
	_createContainer = true; // creates an infinite box and moves the content there, optional 
	_pickWeaponInInventory = true; // optional
	_pickMagazinesInWeapon = true; // optional
	_pickHelmet = true; // optional
	_pickVest= true;// optional
	_pickUniform = true; // optional
	_pickWeaponOnFloor = true; // optional
	_pickWeaponDistance = 500; // Change the loot radius here, in metres
	_pickBackPack = true; // optional
	_pickNVGTools = true; // optional
// Container storage is a big limitation because of how powerful this script is
// This creates a crate from the Old Man DLC that has an infinite (or looks infinite) storage
// The idea is then to move or load the box into a truck, ideally via ACE interactions

if (_createContainer == true) then {

	_magicBox = createVehicle ["VirtualReammoBox_small_F", position player, [], 0, "NONE"];
	_to = _magicBox;


		_from = _x;
	// Weapons - that works

	if 	(_pickWeaponInInventory == true) then {

		// Weapons in the inventory of the body
		_weaponsHeld = weaponsItems _from; 
		if (count _weaponsHeld > 0) then {  
			 // Checks if there's space in the box then adds the weapons held by the body
			{ if (_to canAdd [_x select 0,1]) then {
					_to addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
			} forEach _weaponsHeld; 
			// Removes the weapon if asked
			if (_remove == true) then {
				removeAllWeapons _from;

	// Magazines in weapons

	if (_pickMagazinesInWeapon == true) then {
		_mags = magazinesAmmo _from; 
		if (count _mags > 0) then {  
			{ if (_to canAdd [_x select 0,1]) then {
					_to addMagazineCargo [_x select 0,1];
				// Removes the item if asked
				if (_remove == true) then {
					_from removeMagazine [_x select 0,1];
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
			} forEach _mags; 
	// Helmets 

	if (_pickHelmet == true) then {

		_helmet = headgear _from; 
		if (count _helmet > 0) then {  
			if (_to canAdd _helmet) then {
					_to addItemCargoGlobal [_helmet, 1];
				// Removes the item if asked
				if (_remove == true) then {
					 removeHeadgear _from;
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
	// Vests - sifting Ammo then the vest itself

	if	(_pickVest == true) then {
		_content = vestItems _from;
			_to addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
			// systemChat _x;
		} forEach _content;
		_vest = vest _from; 
		if (count _vest > 0) then {  
			if (_to canAdd _vest) then {
					_to addItemCargoGlobal [_vest,1];
					// systemChat _vest;
				// Removes the item if asked
				//if (_remove == true) then {
				//	 removeVest _from;
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};

	// Uniforms - picks up the pockets of the uniform!

	if (_pickUniform == true) then {

		_content = uniformItems _from;
			_ToAddToCargo = [_x, 1];
			_to addItemCargoGlobal _ToAddToCargo;
		} forEach _content;

	// NVGs

	if (_pickNVGTools == true) then {
		_nvg = hmd _from; 
		if (count _nvg > 0) then {  
			if (_to canAdd _nvg) then {
					_to addItemCargoGlobal [_nvg,1];
				// Removes the item if asked
				if (_remove == true) then {
					 _from unassignItem _nvg; 
					 _from removeItem _nvg;
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
	// Other assignedItems

		_items = assignedItems _from; 
		if (count _items > 0) then {  
			{ if (_to canAdd _x) then {
					_to addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
				// Removes the item if asked
				if (_remove == true) then {
					removeAllAssignedItems _from;
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
			} forEach _items; 
	// Backpacks

	if (_pickBackPack == true) then {

		_backpack = backpack _from;
		if (count _backpack > 0) then {  
			if (_to canAdd _backpack) then {
					_to addBackpackCargo [_backpack,1];
				// Removes the item if asked
				if (_remove == true) then {
					 removeBackpack _from;
				} else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
		hint "All equipment picked-up";
} forEach _bodies;

// Weapons on the floor at specified distance
// This bit of code is 99% not from me and I have to find where I found it so I can reference it

if (_pickWeaponOnFloor == true) then {

	private _allStuff = [
		[], // Weapons
		[], // Magazines
		[], // Items
		[] // Backpacks

	private ["_className", "_classNames", "_index", "_predicate", "_quantities", "_quantity", "_stuff", "_stuffOfType", "_stuffType", "_values", "_weaponHolder", "_weaponHolders"];

	_weaponHolders = (nearestObjects [player, ["WeaponHolder", "WeaponHolderSimulated"], _pickWeaponDistance]);

		_weaponHolder = _x;
			_classNames = _x select 0;

			_quantities = _x select 1;

			_stuffType = _forEachIndex;

			_stuffOfType = _allStuff select _stuffType;
			// Predicate
			_predicate = if (_stuffType == 1) then {
				{((_x select 0) == _className) and {(_x select 2) == _quantity}}
			} else {
				{(_x select 0) == _className}
				_values = if (_stuffType == 1) then {_x} else {[_x, _quantities select _forEachIndex]};

				_className = _values select 0;
				_quantity = _values select 1;

				_index = _stuffOfType findIf _predicate;

				if (_index >= 0) then {
					if (_stuffType == 1) then {_quantity = 1;};

					_stuff = _stuffOfType select _index;

					_stuff set [1, (_stuff select 1) + _quantity];
				} else {
					_values = if (_stuffType == 1) then {[_className, 1, _quantity]} else {[_className, _quantity]};

					_stuffOfType pushBack _values;
			} forEach _classNames;
		} forEach [
			getWeaponCargo _weaponHolder,
			[magazinesAmmoCargo _weaponHolder, []],
			getItemCargo _weaponHolder,
			getBackpackCargo _weaponHolder
		if (_remove == true) then {
			deleteVehicle _weaponHolder;
	} forEach _weaponHolders;

	{if (_to canAdd _x) then {_to addWeaponCargoGlobal _x;} 
		else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
		} forEach (_allStuff select 0);
	{if (_to canAdd _x) then {_to addMagazineAmmoCargo _x;} 
		else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
		}forEach (_allStuff select 1);
	{if (_to canAdd _x) then {_to addItemCargoGlobal _x;} 
		else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript}; 
		}forEach (_allStuff select 2);
	{if (_to canAdd _x) then {_to addBackpackCargoGlobal _x;}
		else {hint "Container is full"; terminate _thisScript};
		}forEach (_allStuff select 3);
	hint "Looting complete";


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1 minute ago, dreadedentity said:

Oh my god I'm working on the exact same thing and I was just about to release it 😩


Ah that's hilarious! Go ahead, I'd love to see it ! 🙂

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This script is pretty awesome but I have a single issue with it.


It does not delete the looted items from the dead bodies meaning that it is supplicating the items (this is playing vindicta with ACE 3).


This means that if I add this awesome script to the ACE interaction my players can use it to cheat their way into plenty of stuff.


PS: Would be also awesome if the script adds an addAction to delete the box (with remoteExec so any player can do it)

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It does not delete the looted items from the dead bodies meaning that it is supplicating the items (this is playing vindicta with ACE 3).


You need to change this to true:

_remove = false; // removes the looted equipment from the ground, optional but bugged when true

It says it is buggy but with the limited testing I did in my mission so far I don't encounter any game breaking!

kahssymhir, thanks for posting, this was exactly what I needed!

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