Casio91Fin 31 Posted April 9, 2022 Hey. how to add parameters to these two points InitServer.sqf waitUntil {time > 10}; _MaxActiveAI = 70; <<< add to this line parameters command _MaxAiTeams = 50; <<< add to this line parameters command _TotalSpawned = 0; TeamLeaders = ["O_G_Soldier_TL_F","O_G_officer_F","O_G_Soldier_SL_F"]; Infantry = ["O_G_Soldier_lite_F","O_G_Soldier_LAT_F","O_G_Soldier_F","O_G_Soldier_M_F","O_G_Soldier_GL_F","O_G_medic_F","O_G_Soldier_AR_F"]; while {_TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { while {count units East <= _MaxActiveAI - 1 && _TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { if (_MaxActiveAI - count units East >= 21) then { for "_x" from 0 to 1 do { New_AI_Team = createGroup [East, true]; AI_Team_Spawn_Pos = [Pos_1, 500, 1000, 5, 0, 1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; Team_Leader = New_AI_Team createUnit [TeamLeaders select floor (random count TeamLeaders), AI_Team_Spawn_Pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; Team_Leader allowFleeing 0; sleep 1; for "_x" from 0 to (5 + (floor random 2 + 1)) do { New_Soldier = New_AI_Team createUnit [Infantry select floor (random count Infantry), AI_Team_Spawn_Pos, [], 0 ,"NONE"]; New_Soldier allowFleeing 0.01; }; sleep 0.5; [New_AI_Team, getposATL Pos_1] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack; _TotalSpawned = _TotalSpawned + 1; systemChat format ["Spawned: %1 / %2", _TotalSpawned, _MaxAiTeams]; }; }; if (_TotalSpawned >= _MaxAiTeams) then { hint "Last Enemy team was spawned. Kill them!"; waitUntil {{alive _x && (side _x) == East} count allUnits == 0}; sleep 5; "END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; }; sleep 60; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7erra 629 Posted April 9, 2022 what parameters do you mean? function parameters or mission parameters? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_foley 192 Posted April 9, 2022 Is this what you're looking for? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casio91Fin 31 Posted April 9, 2022 for those that could change numbers. _MaxActiveAI = 70; <<< add to this line parameters command _MaxAiTeams = 50; <<< add to this line parameters command _foley yes i know the site but it didn't help 7erra mission parameters i thinks is better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7erra 629 Posted April 9, 2022 In that case you'll have to follow the instructions on the page you linked. Set up the description.ext and then you can use BIS_fnc_getParamValue to get the value the player selected 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites