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Armaholic, Armed Assault & Others - A2&A2OA - Files/Addons - Not-sorted

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These are as they were dl'ed from AH, AA & a number of other places over the years.


We will add to this quite often, we have a huge archive of Arma 2/Arma 2 OA addons etc.


Over time some files may be un-zipped and in folder form, depends on how we find them in our own archives.

Feel free to add comments regards these.

These are in no particular order, just as they come from archive hdd's.

You will need WinRar & 7-Zip to unpack these.


( Any problems questions etc, regards a dl, please put here with the number.

We won't be able to do much about the contents, but we may have alternate versions)


Please note: If any upload from this thread shown below in any post, has a restriction for any reason

and your the content maker, please let us know here in the thread and we will check and remove if required.


Archive available via:

WarGamingPlus Arma2 & Arma 2 OA Content Archive

(updating daily).


Updated 04/07/2022    Total uploaded so far  = 1530 files

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Post to remove please.

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Post to remove please.

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post to remove please.

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6 hours ago, dalber24 said:

Hello @WGP!!! i downloaded 3 islands that I was missing, thank you very much, now I will be able to do some missions there.
But when I saw this... 188/ Worlds-Islands: (terrain/island) I said wow! :hyper: I don't have that, I never heard anything from an island like that... I want to see it now!!!:yay:
but no... it had nothing to do with islands, it's a bunch of alien and robot addons.:greetings:
and this 190/ VeniVidiVicci: (terrain/island) is the OFP/CWR It's like a medieval addon if I remember correctly.


Yep, expect the unexpected. Even we don't know what are in some of them. 😉


Over the years they may have been unpacked and re-packed, not sure, but they're all safe, no bugs, other than BI ones of course... 🙂

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post to remove please

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Oh ... what did i find here 😍

Dont make me compile this for you!  😆


Nice work man, i love lists way to keep Arma2 alive!

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3 minutes ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Oh ... what did i find here 😍

Dont make me compile this for you!  😆


Nice work man, i love lists way to keep Arma2 alive!

Help yourself if you want to compile it @gunter.


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Mod's keep hiding the posts ! not sure why, but noo doubt they will appear sometime.


Would the forum mods prefer I put all this into one very large Folder ? with just the one link ?

(We still have loads more, a lot)

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30 minutes ago, WGP said:

Mod's keep hiding the posts

Its not the moderators, its the forum security, the forum dont like alot of links like yours so any updates, or new posts with links

will make the post or thread go hidden and then it will force you to report and ask for an approval and unhide it.

I deal with it all the time with a few of my compilation lists something to keep in mind.


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36 minutes ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Its not the moderators, its the forum security, the forum dont like alot of links like yours so any updates, or new posts with links

will make the post or thread go hidden and then it will force you to report and ask for an approval and unhide it.

I deal with it all the time with a few of my compilation lists something to keep in mind.


O.k. thanks for that, I wouldn't have known.


Maybe I'll just make it into one huge folder. I will have a think.

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Links for archive files above are disabled for now.

We're trying to work out a better option for players to  download these. Just be patient with us for a while. 🙂

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Updated Original post.


Arma      files = 138  (mod,addon,etc)

Arma2    files = 447  (        "         "       )


Working towards 10 per day to be uploaded & listed. Will take some time.

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An idea for you for your mega which i also use, is create a folder system, give each folder a name based

on a type of addon or mod say for example terrains, take every terrain file and put it into that folder,

same for other things, this way if people are looking for something specific for terrains or whatever then the

folder whatever mods the folder is for can enable people to narrow their search.

   Every folder acting as a category.


   Unlike alot of us vets whom played all the games and know what mods at least a good portion of them are, identifying

mods in the list isn't to difficult, but for a noob to Arma2 and oa they have maybe little to no idea what their looking at unless a file has an actual name

of a mod spelled out, like Invasion 1944, for example.


By narrowing the search and having a folder system at least you give a would be browser/searcher and idea what is in a given folder,

so they know that a folder labeled terrains is nothing but terrains, whereas a long ass list which is basically

a grab bag of stuff imo is a lost cause of files.

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I did put it in the thread title and the first OP that it would be unsorted..

I understand that some may want it organised, I'm not stopping them downloading all of it and doing that themselves.

I haven't the time nor the patience, hence the thread title.


If your new to the series:

If your new to arma 2, just ask, if you need a addon or mod to do a certain thing, I'm sure there will be players on here (me included) that will tell you if a addon/mod exists that does that and which one to look for. 😉


More being added today. 🙂

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4 hours ago, WGP said:

I did put it in the thread title and the first OP that it would be unsorted..

I understand that some may want it organised, I'm not stopping them downloading all of it and doing that themselves.

I haven't the time nor the patience, hence the thread title. 

No one is confused here WGP,  you and dalbert24 seem to think im asking you to sort your files, when all i

said was i sharing an idea, the idea doesn't mean you have to do anything its and idea nothing more.

   I already knew, or know that the list is unsorted and that you have no time and or patience to sort the files

no worries i understood that already.


On another note as you said some posts earlier

On 4/3/2022 at 9:26 AM, WGP said:

Help yourself if you want to compile it @gunter.

I could help out if you would allow that, im not insisting or pushing it but i could help

 compile your files for you, i have time and lots of patience hence thats kinda of what i do.

      Since you changed how you are doing the files now, and on Mega, only way to organize what you have is to

give me access, that is if you trust me, i think my history here on the forum speaks for itself but let me know what you think.


Either way keep up the good work and as i said in my first post way to go for supporting the community! :thumbsup:

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That's all sorted then. 🙂


Not had time to upload yet, but they will come today.

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23 terrains uploaded today. I will update the OP.

There are terrains with 2 or 3 versions, so we've listed these as well.

It seems like 'terrain' territory at the moment, but once they're done, we'll move onto the rest.😓

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22 hours ago, britforce said:

@WGP great job.

Hope our small input helped. 🙂

Yep, helped a lot thanks.


Further 28 uploaded today. ( all terrains).

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do you have anzac sea mod? i cant find it anywhere

edit: when i open the CWR2 file says its damaged

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30 minutes ago, Killerman29 said:

do you have anzac sea mod? i cant find it anywhere

edit: when i open the CWR2 file says its damaged

I'll upload it again, see if it works out. I tried, and yes it wouldn't open, probably something I've done, so hopefully next one will work.


Anzac sea mod.. hmm. We have Anzac, I know for sure, can't remember seeing another anzac one, but I'll have a look tomorrow.


Edit: had a quick look, there is a anzac_sea.pbo in the anzac mod, is that what your thinking of ?

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Maybe someone can help me here. There are a number of these CWR files we have. How large would we expect the full CWR2 mod to be (not zipped) ?

I think I have one that might be complete with terrains etc, but having never played CWR2 I'm not sure what size the mod would have been, gives me a clearer picture when looking through.

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