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I'm trying to get the side of AI using "side _this" but i'm only getting an error.

On respawn i execVM a file with the expectations of get the side of the AI and then execVM another file depending on side.


if (side _this == west) then {_this execVM "unitMoveWest.sqf"};

Why is not working?



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"_this" is supposed to be the current unit, i used to execVM and doMove, etc and works.

How i can reffer to the unit AI then?

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15 minutes ago, SnowmaneYT said:

"_this" is supposed to be


But maybe it isn't. So, how are you defining it? Show your code, we can't see your screen from here.

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{_respawns = _x addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {
    _moveLoop = _this execVM "unitMove.sqf";
} foreach allUnits;

unitMove.sqf (here is caused the "_this" error


if (side _this == west) then {_this execVM "unitMoveWest.sqf"};
if (side _this == east) then {_this execVM "unitMoveEast.sqf"};
if (side _this == independent) then {_this execVM "unitMoveIndi.sqf"};


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this addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {
	params ["_unit", "_corpse"];


We can see that when adding the EH, the new unit would be referred to as _this select 0 or _this#0, or by the built-in param _unit. So let's do!


{_respawns = _x addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {
	params ["_unit", "_corpse"];
	_moveLoop = _unit execVM "unitMove.sqf";
} foreach allUnits;


Now unitMove.sqf  should work, but it's always a good idea to define variables/params at the top:


params ["_this"];

if (side _this == west) then {_this execVM "unitMoveWest.sqf"};
if (side _this == east) then {_this execVM "unitMoveEast.sqf"};
if (side _this == independent) then {_this execVM "unitMoveIndi.sqf"};


I would change "_this" to "_unit" for a bit more clarity, but that's personal preference.


params ["_unit"];

if (side _unit == west) then {_units execVM "unitMoveWest.sqf"};
if (side _unit == east) then {_unit execVM "unitMoveEast.sqf"};
if (side _unit == independent) then {_unit execVM "unitMoveIndi.sqf"};


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