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Micky Nub

Some mods will not 'play'

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Under Senarios when pressing PLAY nothing happens. No messages of any kind show.



Force Through - Cam Lao Nam (SP/MP)

Direct Action Vietnam  - Khe Sanh

Insurgency Vietnam

Macv-Sog Ops

Red Squadron


Help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Micky Nub,

They probably require some mods, go here ---->  C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Arma 3

    Look for the rpt, i suggest making sure your logs are in in parameters in the Arma 3 launcher, then test those scenarios ago, a message

might popup on the screen, if not then locate the last/latest RPT and then open it with notepad, copy everything, then paste it here


click publish bottom middle, then share the link, rpt should show what your missing and anything else that is going on.

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here is the latest .rpt file from a while ago:    https://justpaste.it/8rnf9

I had '-noLogs' on the command line, but now I won't use it.


Red Squadron worked for some weird reason.


On starting the game I now get the error:   [addon 'sullen skies' requires addon 'vn_khe_sanh_data']   before the Arma menu screen shows.

After the Arma menu screen show and the menu at the top shows to play whatever, I get the message:   [no entry 'bin\config.bin\Cfgweapons.vn_m16']


When trying to play:  Direct Action Vietnam  - Khe Sanh => now shows the monster error:

   [steam\__cur_sp.vn_khe_sanh\mission.sqm\Mission/Entities/Item4/Entities/Item.1.type:vehicle class Land_vn_tent_mash_01 not longer exists]


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33 minutes ago, Micky Nub said:

here is the latest .rpt file from a while ago:


Your latest report will be from the last time you ran Arma. Run Arma, get the error, close Arma, upload newest .rpt.


If that's the report from the session you are talking about, you are clearly not loading the mods needed for the mission.

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The report that I just uploaded now is from the most current run with 'all' mods loaded.

On starting the game I still get the error:   [addon 'sullen skies' requires addon 'vn_khe_sanh_data']   before the Arma menu screen shows.


I tried to run Direct Action Vietnam  - Khe Sanh again, and I didn't get an error this time, just a light blue screen under the Senario list

All the mods are updated.


I need to find the file 'vn_khe_sanh_data'.


I am stupid!

I unloaded all mods and checked the DLC 'S.O.G. Prairie Fire' and the Direct Action senarios work!


I have one more problem that I will try to solve, if not, I'll list it later.


Thanks very much for your help!



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I don't see where you are loading Sullen Skies in that .rpt. Share the entire report, please.


Sullen Skies - Khe Sanh is loading while SOG Prairie Fire is not.


*edit* - removed ambiguity

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Harzach, you solved another problem that I had with Sullen Skies, I had to Subscribe, there are two part to it, I was missing one.


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Thanks to Gunter Severloh and Harzach for solving some of my Steam mod issues.


However I do have one more. I download from the following url Vietcong Intro and four missions.

The Intro and Missions 3 & 4 do nothing ... no errors.

Missions 1 & 2 work.


Update; I was able to fix Missions 3 & 4 with another required mod.

However the Intro refuses to work. lol


Got it!

I now understand more on how to solve Arma dlc/mod problems.

Everything seems to be working okay now. It's time to have some fun.


Thanks again everyone!



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It's best practice to ONLY load the mods required by the mission you are going to play. It can be annoying to change your mod list, but it will help mitigate a lot of these types of problems.

In general, If I subscribe to a mission, I create a mod preset in the launcher for it.

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