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TacView Exporter [Alpha]

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link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2739041219


currently logged: infanty, vehicles, planes, helis, bullets, shells, missiles



all gets thrown into the rpt file, so you are going to need to clean up the file before feeding it into tac view.


this is done in three steps:


1) run this replace regex on the file (i.e. notepad++) 

regex: ^.*"TACVIEW (.*)"|.*((?!TACVIEW).).*$  

replacement: $1


2) remove all blank lines


3) if you ran multiple missions, split the files into one for each mission, using this the start marker:





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Last version introduced some wobbliness to bullet traces, just a fyi I'm aware of the issue and testing a fix rn.

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