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Limit of proxies number or size of it for model

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Is any reason why my model not showing in game some proxies what was connected to it in oxygene? Buldozer shows them all without problems and after load to game left only few of them (smaller ones) with not warnings or erros in debug logs. What is the reason? (I need to show whole model in editor stage and object is builded at last with many of elements and then hide those starting  model proxies to replace them by real objects fith configs etc. (init script make it on start of engine/simulation but before in eden editor is problem with attached objects to show them correctly  beacouse without move after load in edit area all attached proxies are oriented to north so proxy  included inside 3d model on start would be perfect for solve  it) but not works why? - from whole carrier elements/proxies loaded are only turrets and few smaller parts like propellers and rudders but hull parts  (big parts) not, even when I try them one by one they not visible in eden.


?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett


More info : when I use procy models used for example in turrets - they are visible on model (on 2nd and 3rd picture), more.... when I rename my proxy models of hull attached to model (models what are not used in any  model config) they are visibile - so my question why one of models are possibile to connect as proxy in model and others not (as i wrote the same model copied to the same catalog with different name of file and used as proxy is working - of course it is one of possibilites to solve problem but it need to produce 2 times the same model to make it possible to use as proxy and to use it as hull object with his own model and object config, in the same time turrets of AA are possibile to use as proxies and are working as the same models in objects.......... what is the difference between those models and my models - class? they are under vehicles and my hull models are used as buildings, but this is known by angine after use it in config of object before it is just model - what is going on??).

After used 2nd solution (proxies in copies with different names - little cuted from non nesesary lods too) I get strange problem with one of models with debug message like (Vertex buffer needs to be created before rendering. Out of memory? hwk_cvn78\proxies\editorproxies\hwk_cvn78e_hull_09_2.p3d), very strnge thing. in buldozer this model loaded as proxy is not visible too, but when i open it as sible model buldozer shows all model of hwk_cvn78e_hull_09_2.p3d. (solved in O2 for A3 dont change parameters in shift+e options for vertex it casuse unexpected problems - it is only for old A2 and less versions).


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how is the model split? there are issues with models above a certain dimensions, or in fact meshes that are far away from the origin (xyz 0.0.0)

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all partial models are with autocenter 0 and are in limit of 50m from [0,0,0] center of model. (when those full modls are used in runing engine with attachto command working fine).

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diapearing whole models on first LODS when zoom is normal is happen when game is runing and whole ship swim for example far away from map border (the modelas are visible  back after zoomin or when back to map area  - what is the reason for that malfunction?


the same scene but with zoom in.


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