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Character / Object Random start height

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I'm attempting to use markers to have an object in one mission (and a character in another mission) randomly spawn at marker positions using the "set random start" function. However, I can't edit the height of the markers (currently using empty markers). For example, a laptop or HVT spawning in a multiple story building. I searched the forum and found some marker array stuff, which I could not get to work. I'm seeking guidance from the blessed ARMA elders.

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Don't use markers. Use a small object placed where you want the item/unit to spawn. Set the object to hidden and simulation disabled.


Or a trigger, or a game logic.

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3 hours ago, Harzach said:

Don't use markers. Use a small object placed where you want the item/unit to spawn. Set the object to hidden and simulation disabled.


Or a trigger, or a game logic.

the "set random start" function only works with markers. Can you provide an example so I can explore this option?

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Put all of your position objects in an array, select one randomly, then setPos your object/unit.


An abstraction:

_posArray = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5];
_posObj = selectRandom _posArray;
_pos = getPosATL _posObj;
MyHVTUnit setPosATL _pos;


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32 minutes ago, Harzach said:

Put all of your position objects in an array, select one randomly, then setPos your object/unit.


An abstraction:

_posArray = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5];
_posObj = selectRandom _posArray;
_pos = getPosATL _posObj;
MyHVTUnit setPosATL _pos;


Works absolutely fine with character model, but I'm getting global error (local variable in global space) for an object (laptop)

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The type of vehicle should make absolutely no difference.  How and where are you executing your code?


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1 hour ago, Harzach said:

The type of vehicle should make absolutely no difference.  How and where are you executing your code?


In the HVT mission, I have 5 small objects (hidden/ no simulation) labeled as obj1-obj5. The script you provided is in the characters' init. The HVT spawns randomly at all 5 locations.


In the laptop mission, I did the same, and placed the script in the laptops init, which prompts the "local variable in global space" error

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Again, what I posted was just an abstraction. If you are using it verbatim in a vehicle init, then you'll want to wrap it in a spawn or call.

nul = [] spawn {
	_posArray = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5];
	_posObj = selectRandom _posArray;
	_pos = getPosATL _posObj;
	MyHVTUnit setPosATL _pos;


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For this I use something very small like a small stone.

Place 20 of them on the map and set the height for each one.


Each stone has a name:





You are named  blue1

The code is     blue1  setpos   getpos   stone0     and you will start on stone0


Instead of using  0  you  select a number at random  (sorry not at home at present)  


I think Harzach's solution above is another way although I have not tried it.











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11 hours ago, Harzach said:

Again, what I posted was just an abstraction. If you are using it verbatim in a vehicle init, then you'll want to wrap it in a spawn or call.

nul = [] spawn {
	_posArray = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5];
	_posObj = selectRandom _posArray;
	_pos = getPosATL _posObj;
	MyHVTUnit setPosATL _pos;


I was so close to achieving that on my own. I missed the brackets after =.

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