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How can I use Creator DLC Weapon and Vehicle in the Main game.

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I bought S.O.G Prairie Fire, CLSA, Global Mobilization DLC in last week, 

I was tring to use some S.O.G and CLSA weapon in the main game. Like use in the Old Man game.

And I realize I can't find any DLC weapon and vehicle in the Arsenal if I didn't load the DLC in the Launcher.


How can I use Creator DLC Weapon and Vehicle in the Main game? Just like Contact DLC, I don't have to load DLC in the launcher but I can find DLC items in the Main Game



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Did you to mean to "enable" the DLC content and weapons for the main ARMA missions? 




The Missions are already coded or setup with specific units and weapons.


But you can use a "replacer" mod from Steam Workshop that SWAPS the uniforms, gears and weapons over the default units' configurations.


Look up Jarrad's replacements but AFAIK he did not make any with GM or SOG or CSL gear, yet.




There may be others.


Lastly, note the GM weapons are competely unbalanced against normal ARMA units. The weapons hits WAY harder so maybe use Universal Ammo System which completely re balances all the AMMO so ballistics are "relatively" similar to each other.


But you will start to fall down into a the rabbit hole of unending  ARMA enhancement mods.



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Well that depends on what you mean by main game - what scenario are you playing. You mention Old Man, CDLC units, vehicles and equipment are obviously not just magically going to appear in the mission, however, some CDLC equipment may randomly appear at weapon vendors if you have the content loaded but don't quote me on that, you'll have to try that yourself if configs are read or not.


Other official missions and campaigns like East Wind don't tend to make use of any equipment randomization systems in that sense and are even more rigid.


Beyond aforementioned replacement configs/mods, if you want to use content from CDLC or other addons and mods in official scenarios you have pretty much two options:

  • DePBO (if not encrypted) the scenario and manually edit things. This is possibly a lot of work and may brake things but obviously gives full control.
  • Use debug console mod to spawn in the desired content. Assets already included in scenario wont change but you can make use of items you spawn in.


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