GamersFortitude 0 Posted August 8, 2021 Hi all, here's whats happening, got a server running ifa3 and i have it set so when players spawn, they get a random uniform, vest, backpack & headgear, it all works like a charm except for the backpacks. Below is the code im using to give the random setup every time, is 'AddBackpack' the issue? or should it be AddBackpackGlobal? Uploaded a screenshot to steam for reference. Had a message pop up a few times with different backpacks used mentioning bone structure? Also, if its mod sided i can just swap the backpacks out for vanilla ones.. waitUntil {!isNull player}; _unit = _this select 0; //Removing All removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; //Arrays _arrayuniform = ["U_LIB_FSJ_Soldier","U_LIB_ST_Soldier_E44","U_LIB_SOV_Strelok","U_LIB_SOV_Sergeant","U_LIB_US_Private","U_LIB_US_Sergeant"]; _arraybp = ["GerBag_K98","B_LIB_SOV_MinesBag","B_LIB_SOV_MosinAmmoBag","B_LIB_SOV_MinesBag","B_LIB_SOV_MinesBag"]; _arrayhat = ["H_LIB_GER_FSJ_M38_Helmet","H_LIB_GER_FSJ_M44_Helmet","H_LIB_SOV_RA_Helmet","H_LIB_SOV_Ushanka","H_LIB_US_Helmet","H_LIB_US_Rangers_Helmet"]; _arrayvest = ["V_LIB_GER_FSJ_VestKar98","V_LIB_GER_TankPrivateBelt","V_LIB_SOV_IShBrVestMG","V_LIB_SOV_RA_PPShBelt","V_LIB_US_AB_Vest_Garand","V_LIB_US_AB_Vest_Thompson"]; //Adding Random from arrays _clothingU = selectRandom _arrayuniform; _clothingB = selectRandom _arraybp; _clothingH = selectRandom _arrayhat; _clothingV = selectRandom _arrayvest; _unit forceAddUniform _clothingU; _unit addVest _clothingV; _unit addHeadgear _clothingH; _unit addBackpack _clothingB; //Give M1911 + 28 rounds _unit addMagazine "LIB_7Rnd_45ACP"; _unit addMagazine "LIB_7Rnd_45ACP"; _unit addMagazine "LIB_7Rnd_45ACP"; _unit addMagazine "LIB_7Rnd_45ACP"; _unit addMagazine "LIB_7Rnd_45ACP"; _unit addWeapon "LIB_Colt_M1911"; if(true) exitWith{}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnKalo 657 Posted August 8, 2021 Have seen that before when making headgear for one of our addons. In my case it was all about the addon config and model sqfs. The game would not place the hats in the headgear section and it would be in their belly. It would just not follow their head. So if the backpacks also have such an isssue and dont work when you equip them ingame then its the addon to blame imho. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harzach 2518 Posted August 8, 2021 Yup, not a scripting issue. You might want to post over in the official topic. Also, they have a Discord you can join here. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites