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Make VC in Prairie Fire speak Chinese (instead of being mute)

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The Vietnamese in Prairie Fire have no speakers or voice files for AI commanding.  As a VC player or VC AI, if you give an order or respond to an order, you only hear a radio squelch.  This is bad for immersion IMO.  So I simply set all VC units in mission to speak Chinese.  Its not ideal, but since I don't speak Chinese or Vietnamese, it greatly increases my immersion.


Put this line of code in your init.sqf, or execute it from the debug console:

{if (speaker _x == "vie") then {_x setspeaker (selectRandom ["male01chi","male02chi","male03chi"]);};} foreach allunits;


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As someone who has moved to china and has had a few vietnamese ladies,i approve...even though i know they would not..they matter not ...Arma3 is life.They will be redirected to the "Adapt" campaign,and they will "Survive". ;D Thanks man

  • Haha 1

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