Janez 536 Posted June 9, 2021 Well, I suppose at least there is no need to "educate" their customers about history this time around, albeit one never knows what those geniuses conjure up nowadays. Personally, I find these "only in Battlefield moments" in the trailer to be really forced, cringe big time but maybe that's just because I've been through these endless WIPs, also known as live services, one too many times. Hopefully they didn't burn the whole budged on game engine footage. We used to have these threads around here about upcoming games to collect info and discuss various aspects but at this point, I kinda feel like a chump creating this thread. Yet another free advertisement for yet another cycle of hype. I dunno, you tell me. I guess a "but maybe it will be really good this time" is in order to finish off. /c 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krzychuzokecia 719 Posted June 9, 2021 Disclaimer: the last BF game I played was Battlefield Vietnam in 2004 or so. And years later I tried the standalone Project Reality. So I don't think I'm the supposed target... ...but indeed this type of "pathos-enfused Hollywood" trailer seems like a failure. Yes, they do nod/homage to the classic absurd moves you can do in BF (in BF1942 I really jumped out of the plane, shot down my pursuer with BAR and got back into the plane - for 11 year old me it was the awesomest thing ever!), but they present it in such serious, tone-deaf way... it just feels forced and fake. Which probably is better approximation of actual game than my memories of ancient titles in the series. Watching gameplays from latest BFs my mind subconciously replaces most of the sounds with cash register "cha-ching!", it's all built around sales of DLCs and microtransactions, you'd think that game is an afterthought. ...not to mention weird moralizing/pandering. I like the robot though - we should have something like that in A3! (Yep, I really don't mind the near-future setting of A3, and it fits BF style of gameplay very well too) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted June 9, 2021 I didn't go analyzing every frame nor I have any desire to but there seems to be complete lack of any markings, insignias or flags on uniforms and other assets. This may just be a theme, vibe sort of trailer or it may be some sort of attempt to be entirely neutral, not saying anything, not offending anyone. You know, the Ubisoft way, either pandering to crazy people/shills who don't even play your games or be utterly and thoroughly boring. There is no such thing as story without substance but whatever, marketing departments at their finest. OK, so lets play around a bit then, are we gradually moving from military being used for corporate interests to literal corporate armies? Normalizing this creepy, hunger games/gamer/ready player one/any-battle-royale sort of perspective of war as games and expendable gladiators. Bread and games Romans said, right? Yay, 2042 Arasaka - Militech corporate wars then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted June 11, 2021 Similar to hack on CDPR, EA was hacked. Reportedly, mainly source code for Frostbite based games was stolen. They say that no player data was compromised but we all know how much that is worth. At the very least, change your passwords and make sure it's a strong one. Not sure if secret question is a requirement these days but look into setting that as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted June 13, 2021 And here is the official gameplay trailer. There is some additional info on EA homepage. Also, apparently there wont be any SP which is probably a good thing but supposedly there will be bots available for MP like in classic games, so that's kinda cool. This whole heroes aka specialists thing I'm not sure about. Rainbow 6 Siege is really bad in that regard and there is bound to be pink unicorn skins sooner or later when they run out of tacticool stuff to nickle and dime. We'll see I guess, gotta say graphics are pretty amazing though. PS: very stingy on primary ammo once again but on the other hand plenty of sidearm mags. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brusher16 14 Posted June 13, 2021 1 hour ago, Janez said: And here is the official gameplay trailer. There is some additional info on EA homepage. Also, apparently there wont be any SP which is probably a good thing but supposedly there will be bots available for MP like in classic games, so that's kinda cool. This whole heroes aka specialists thing I'm not sure about. Rainbow 6 Siege is really bad in that regard and there is bound to be pink unicorn skins sooner or later when they run out of tacticool stuff to nickle and dime. We'll see I guess, gotta say graphics are pretty amazing though. PS: very stingy on primary ammo once again but on the other hand plenty of sidearm mags. There won't Be any Singleplayer because People Mostly Play Multiplayer More than The Singleplayer but yeah bots are avalible and i hope Battlefield 2042 Will Be Better than R6S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krzychuzokecia 719 Posted June 15, 2021 On 6/13/2021 at 9:54 PM, Janez said: This whole heroes aka specialists thing I'm not sure about. I think the worst thing is getting rid of classes, which is even more pushing BF into the territory of yet another COD-clone. The trailer says "all out war", but the maps seem pretty small, created around one/two centerpieces (examples from both trailers: the container ship, the rocket launch-pad, the two skyscrapers, and that "ski resort"). Maybe that's just the way trailers are made - there are some short scenes which seem placed further away from center-pieces. It's possible that BF might have gone a bit into the territory of "battle royale" games, I can see how the match starts with players outside the main target, push to it in vehicles mostly, and then there's some "Michael Bay" crazy fight in the end. Which can be fun (if one gets past the ridiculous idea of riding tornado in a glide suit! :D ), but after enough of replays may get boring. On 6/9/2021 at 9:49 PM, Janez said: I didn't go analyzing every frame nor I have any desire to but there seems to be complete lack of any markings, insignias or flags on uniforms and other assets. Good point - I've dug a bit, and apparently the F-35 has USMC markings, while the AK-toting commandos in cinematic trailer have... golden maple leaf insignia. Umm... People's Republic of Canuckistan, eh? Doesn't really bother me THAT much, it all depends on how they'll pull off the setting as a whole - it's not like BF series is not known from fake "non-offending" factions - like the MEC, or whatever "not-Iraq, not-Iran, not-Afghanistan" from BF2 was called. Heck, Arma does the same thing, and it sort of works (I'd still prefer real countries, even if in futuristic setting). Still, I strangely like the looks of the assets and even GUI - guess I'm still bummed after seeing that "oh no, Arma 3 too futuristic" was really not that sci-fi'ish at all. One thing I noticed in that gameplay trailer is that "OPFOR" transport heli seems to be the fake Puma-Hind from Rambo/Red Dawn. Stands out in a "vintage" way from the "cyberpunky" rest. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted June 16, 2021 It's kinda sad state of affairs when comedy on some random-ass internet forum is superior to most mainstream professional comedians. Don't worry though, I don't think we are at any risk of being booted out of most cynical pricks club. 😄 So, this is the supposed lore. I'm not sure exactly how it works in game though there is some conflicting info. Mostly modern eye rolling stuff, DICE is based in Sweden after all 😛, albeit I guess it's as good of a reason in MP only game as any. 11 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said: One thing I noticed in that gameplay trailer is that "OPFOR" transport heli seems to be the fake Puma-Hind from Rambo/Red Dawn. Right? 11 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said: Still, I strangely like the looks of the assets and even GUI Yeah, I mean a lot of older devs are gone from DICE, there are new guys on the helm, multiple studios working on various aspects and they even hired the head of COD Warzone. What you said holds merit, on one hand you have this seeming CODification and on the other, compared to previous two titles especially 5 which was a complete flop, they seem to work towards giving players something resembling a Battlefield game. A lot seems to be riding on this for them, we'll see if it's something worth putting time and money into. You can bet your ass though, despite of all accountability preaching around CDPR, Ubisoft and what now, as release date approaches, every YT and corporate shill will come crawling out of their holes to tell you how it's the next best thing since sliced bread. 11 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said: guess I'm still bummed after seeing that "oh no, Arma 3 too futuristic" was really not that sci-fi'ish at all Dude, I'm super bummed out about the railgun T-100. But, really the lack of sci-fi'ishness or maybe "initial vision" is unfortunate result of various troubles during development, shuffling assets around and whatnot, it lost a bit of... I dunno, this. Regardless, there are still various drones like the mule and decent interconnectivity between aerial assets and alike. Overall, I'd say BI did pretty well with what they had but I would also like point out that we all went through yet another endless WIP and it was a long stint this one. Various @kjus did tremendous amount of work on feedback tracker, dev and editing sections and of course mods. So kudos to all you guys, God bless! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brusher16 14 Posted June 16, 2021 23 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said: Good point - I've dug a bit, and apparently the F-35 has USMC markings, while the AK-toting commandos in cinematic trailer have... golden maple leaf insignia. Umm... People's Republic of Canuckistan, eh? Doesn't really bother me THAT much, it all depends on how they'll pull off the setting as a whole - it's not like BF series is not known from fake "non-offending" factions - like the MEC, or whatever "not-Iraq, not-Iran, not-Afghanistan" from BF2 was called. Heck, Arma does the same thing, and it sort of works (I'd still prefer real countries, even if in futuristic setting). i Do Prefer real countries even if it has Futuristic Setting but DICE is probably Lazy To Do it + DICE put some Fake Non Offending Factions just to not provoke people or such (im not sure about it) and i would say that its kind a Lazy thing to do some Fake non Offending Factions and Countries just for fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted July 22, 2021 Battlefield 2042 Portal Gotta say, this is quite a step up from usual cookie cutter formula. I still have this "but what's the catch feeling" and probably wont shake it until I see what's what after release but it does seem like they're trying. I'm not just going to just pretend like BF5 marketing and whole DICE and EA attitude towards history and people that actually play their games never happened but I do believe that each and every one of us can wake up one day and consider that perhaps there is a different path to walk. Therefore, I'm keeping an eye on this project in spirit of curiosity. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krzychuzokecia 719 Posted July 23, 2021 Looks cool, reminds me of the Unreal Tournament mutators - though it kinda shows how the "scale" of BF gameplay shrinked after BF2 - Arma, Project Reality and Squad are still unchallenged. Funny thing you mention BF5 (BFV?) - it really does look a lot as if EA/DICE said "remember the idiotic robo-armed Amazon Women on the Moon from BF5? now imagine same kind of stuff, but actually fun, not just political pandering! yay!". Edit: still, quite a positive surprise. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted August 12, 2021 Battlefield 2042 | Exodus Short Film Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted September 30, 2021 There will be an open "beta" soon: Quote General access begins on October 8 (at 07:00 UTC on all platforms), at which point anyone can join the fight. More info here: https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/faq Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krzychuzokecia 719 Posted October 13, 2021 Anybody here took part in the open beta? I tried, but I completely missed the fact that game requires W10 to work! :) From the few gameplay only/no-commentary vids I've seen, I must say I'm positively surprised, mainly due to the scale of the game (control points being few hundred meters away - yeah, it's not Arma, but it's something). I wonder what other realism-focused Arma folk think, especially if they had a chance to try it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted October 13, 2021 2 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said: Anybody here took part in the open beta? Yeah! 2 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said: From the few gameplay only/no-commentary vids I've seen, I must say I'm positively surprised, mainly due to the scale of the game (control points being few hundred meters away - yeah, it's not Arma, but it's something). Really? Well that is very interesting take indeed. Assault rifles seem to be rather useless beyond, I dunno, 50m? so if you find yourself between points without a vehicle and proceed to it on foot, you can find yourself in this incredibly awkward firefights with some guy 100m away. TTK is quite long so you are both taking pot shots at each other and scoring hits mind you, it just does nothing. That lasts for few mags, empty burst empty your mag, go back in your hole, heal, next mag and then you're out of ammo. 😄 But really, gameplay feels very floaty and arcady compared to BF 3 or 4, which was rather... streamlined as it was. You know those curse guns on YT? That's kinda how various AK-24s and M4A5s look and feel in this game. I could go on and on about how stupid it looks when your whole squad is the same guy with a hat (enemy squad can also be that same guy with the hat!) or how unfinished UI is but quite frankly, I cannot be bothered. Bad performance aside, I went in with no expectations whatsoever and I'm left utterly apathetic. Depending on how they execute Portal, some fun may be found there but I wont hold my breath. I have a feeling it's somehow gonna be completely half arsed though. Just the other day, they announced release date for Hazard Zone trailer (yes, that is where we are at now) and it's supposed to be some sort of squad based Tarkov thing with loadout insurance and such BR nonsense, which... well they are welcome to try and change my mind but currently have no interest in that sort of thing. I may seem harsh but this ain't my first DICE rodeo. If you like it, pick this up in 12 to 18 months I reckon. I thought, you know... bots, so maybe? But this beta wasn't about any of that. What it was about though, didn't impress me at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted November 20, 2021 Oh no, it's a shitshow! What a surpise, no one seen this coming... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites