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[PvP] Worms - fun DM in oldskool style

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I never do something like this before. I prefer to make campaigns with story. And normally I am not a PvP guy. But SOG DLC and the M79 grenade launcher inspire me for this:


I create this fun mission - [PvP] Worms




It was made for 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 matches. Everybody armed only with M79 Grenade launcher and use their ballistic skills (same as it was in the old game WORMS) to kill the opponent on an open rice field.


Because I never did something like this, I need some advice:

  1. How the mission should end? Should it be ended? And yes, how: after 20 deaths or after 30 minutes? What are the traditions here?
  2. I create an arena by two type of triggers: the inner trigger is just make an alarm sound, but the outer trigger kill the player. Is it OK? There is something other way to keep the players in the arena?
  3. I tested it with a friend and we found out if any player can advance close enough to the enemy's respawn point, can kill his opponent easily. Can I made a script what move the respawn point randomly or is it confuse the players? Or I just put two or three respawn point for both side and players can use it wisely?
  4. Any other advice?




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4 hours ago, bardosy said:

How the mission should end? Should it be ended? And yes, how: after 20 deaths or after 30 minutes? What are the traditions here?

IIRC many of DM/TDM missions had parameter where admin/players could decide/vote whether mission ends on points or time. Values were usually something around "5, 10, 15, 20, unlimited" - unlimited option is quite useful for various "warm up" periods before main game.


4 hours ago, bardosy said:

script what move the respawn point randomly or is it confuse the players? Or I just put two or three respawn point for both side and players can use it wisely?

Both solutions are definitely superior to spawn camping.


Fun idea by the way! :D Would love to try it in MP.

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16 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said:

IIRC many of DM/TDM missions had parameter where admin/players could decide/vote whether mission ends on points or time. Values were usually something around "5, 10, 15, 20, unlimited" - unlimited option is quite useful for various "warm up" periods before main game.


Both solutions are definitely superior to spawn camping.


Fun idea by the way! 😄 Would love to try it in MP.


Thank you for the advice! Parameter is a good idea.


In the campaign missions I found out I am bad aiming with M79, so I got that idea how fun was the Worms game, when you have a big chance to miss the enemy. So I create a very simple mission (without any restriction) and try it with a friend and it was huge fun. So I decided to publish it with a few plus feature.

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