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Scoreboard with remaining tickets

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Hello again,


I'm working on a 1 versus 1 deathmatch mission (There's a closer description in another Forum-Topic). The respawn is working as well as the rest of it.


The last thing I want to add is a scoreboard with the remaining tickets but not like the one when you press 'P' (at least in my case). At first I wanted an always shown indicator like in Tom Clancy's - Rainbow Six Siege at the top middle of the screen.

After a while I found this script (Steam-Source). It's not a permanent indicator (which I would prefer) but it shows at least after every respawn a count.


This is for the client



player addEventHandler ["Killed",
	_sideDead = side (_this select 0);
	_sideShooter = side (_this select 1);
	toServer = [_sideDead, _sideShooter];
	publicVariableServer "toServer";


 and this is for the server



bluforTickets = 50;
opforTickets = 50;

"toServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
	_deadSide = (toServer select 0);
	_killerSide = (toServer select 1);
	if (_deadSide == _killerSide) exitWith {};
	if (_deadSide != _killerSide) then
		if (_deadSide == WEST) then
			bluforTickets = bluforTickets - 1;
			opforTickets = opforTickets - 1;
		format ["BluFor Tickets = %1     OpFor Tickets = %2", bluforTickets, opforTickets] remoteExec ["hint", 0, true];



It could be my mistake but I didn't manage to get this to work and I find the following problem:


A dead player is always seen as an civilian. Because of that the script just always runs the "else" path. So the scoreboard shows not the real remaining tickets.


As a "fix" of this I found this on steam (Steam-Source) but I didn't manage to do this.


Can someone help me fixing the bug for the scoreboard I found?

Or is someone able to script a scoreboard like the one in Rainbow Six?


Thank you very much for your help!

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You just have to refer to the side of the group instead of the killed (even if just a single unit in this group). The side of the group is persistent til the group shifts to null.


player addEventHandler ["Killed", {
  params ["_dead","_shooter"];
  _sideDead = side group _dead;
  _sideShooter = side _shooter;
  toServer = [_sideDead, _sideShooter];
  publicVariableServer "toServer";


  • Thanks 1

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Ah okey, I see. Thank you very much!


It's working quite well. Hopefully you're having a blessed time.

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