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No entry [...]Turret.scope

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I am currently working on a retexture mod for our group.

I am trying to replace the Ghosthawk Crew (which works now) but I am getting the following error:


No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Turrets.scope'.

Code for the Ghosthawk reskin is the following:

class VLG_UH80_Tropic: VLG_UH80_Base



        scopeCurator = 2;








        class Turrets: Turrets


            class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret{};

            class MainTurret:MainTurret




            class RightDoorGun:RightDoorGun





I found a thread on the Taru but apparently it worked perfectly fine for them.

As I am quite new to modding I don't really know where to look for the error...


Any help is appreciated!


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You most likely have something like


class CfgVehicles

	class Turrets; // !!! Class Turrets doesn't exist in root of CfgVehicles! - it's part of the vehicle


	class VLG_UH80_Tropic: VLG_UH80_Base     {


You need to fully replicate turret inheritance instead. There few topics which are describing this issue

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Yes, indeed. Thanks a lot!
I got rid of my attampt to override the "Turrets" class in my "UH80_Base" class and then ended up just overriding it in the child classes:

class VLG_UH80_Base: B_Heli_Transport_01_F
	class Turrets;
	class CopilotTurret;
	class MainTurret;
	class RightDoorGun;
class VLG_UH80_Tropic: VLG_UH80{
 	 class Turrets: Turrets
			class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret{};
			class MainTurret:MainTurret
			class RightDoorGun:RightDoorGun


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