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How to do this? Mod that spawns a certain object at the press of a button

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We've just started playing with ACE3, but we don't do our own missions but use downloaded ones instead. As non-ACE3 missions without a Virtual Arsenal don't really leave us with enough bandages, blood etc., I was wondering how one would go about creating a client-side mod that the admin of the game sessions could load and that would basically allow the admin to spawn an ACE Medical Crate at their position, ideally at the press of a button (though addAction would also be okay).


How simple would it be to create something like this that works on a dedicated server?

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Relatively simple but doesn't worth the effort - believe me - if you haven't done this before.


If I were you, I'd just asked the admin to post

(position player) createVehicle "<classname of the ACE medical box, something like ACE_Box_Medical_F>"

into the console (the one that shows up in the Pause menu for logged-in admins and in Editor) and click "Local exec".


But if you really want to test your patience, you can peek at how mi hombre 10Dozen does this.

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Cheers, that helps a lot. I wasn’t aware that logged-in admins have access to the console by default, since I’ve never had to use it before. That way I can just play Oprah: ACE Medical Crates for everyone!

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Acutally, it may indeed depend on a mission - some disable debug console even for the logged-in admins.

There are a lot of mods that get it back no matter the mission though - like Enable Debug Console : 1. Never tried that one but the community I play with uses dzn_CasualGaming - it brings in a lot of stuff for logged in admins, debug console included.

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Thanks, I’ll probably try the first of these. All I need is to spawn the occasional ACE medical crate when a mission isn’t explicitly designed for ACE. Other options might be too tempting at times. 😙

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