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right i have made myself a submission page.......



<form method="post" action="/news.php?action=addnews">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="maintext">

<tr><td>Your name:</td><td><input type="text" name="name" value=""></td></tr><tr><td>E-Mail address :</td><td><input type="text" name="email" value=""></td></tr><tr><td>Topic:</td><td><input type="text" name="topic" value=""></td></tr><tr><td>Message:</td><td><textarea name="message" rows="4" cols="40" class="textbox"></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Update News">   <input type="button" border="0" onClick="history.back()" value="Cancel"></td></tr>



</td><td align="right" valign="top" class="menu">



but when i make the submit button how would i link that to go to my e-mail address? if someone added some news i need it to be directed to my e-mail..

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Try putting onClick=mailto:youremailhere after the input type=submit.

(Edited by Damage Inc at 8:32 pm on Nov. 17, 2001)

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can u copy it and try it out cuz when ever i try to use it there is a error page.

i originally nicked it from a site but it had no e-mail address in it.

i was only trying to make it work so that my mate in cali cud use it instead of every always trying to email him all the information. This cud also help in the way that u dont have to watch the size of the file ur trying to upload, as in e-mail u only get like 1.50mgs....

if someone nows how plz help me out. it for my friends benefit not just mine.

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Heh, Rob, there is no way to modify that submition form to send you an email buddy. It's using PHP which would do the emailing itself.

Best you can do is TRY changing the post="..." to post="mailto:[email protected]" but that will not work. You need a special magic wand to make a submition form do anything neat smile.gif HTML just displays data, it doesn't manipulate it :\

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Oh and Rob, please, tell me that jesus.com or whatever is NOT really your webpage.

If so, I do web design professionally if you'd like, My rates are quite reasonable, and I'd think I've got some talent.


Any further requests for web design assistance will cost ya smile.gif Yep, that's right, I even charge Jesus... unless I could get in on a nice bubblebath with that Melissa chick there... smile.gif

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this is a form i made ages ago hope it helps ( it was for a squad website i made ages ago):

<FORM name=Mail onsubmit="return formCheck();"

action=mailto:[email protected] method=post


<INPUT type=hidden name=Info>


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width=735 border=0>



<TD vAlign=top width=339 height=307>

<P>fill in the form to aply for a place in ****</P>

<P>1. What is your player name?

<INPUT name=name>


<P>3. What is your icq number?

<INPUT value="You must have icq" name=ICQ>


<P>4. What is your preffered weapon?

<INPUT name=weapon>


<P>5. What is your best position?

<SELECT name=position>


value=assaulter selected>Assaulter</OPTION>



<OPTION value=medic>Medic</OPTION>



<P>6. How often do you play?

<SELECT name="days a week">


value=1-2 selected>1-2 days a week</OPTION>

<OPTION value=2-3>2-3 days a week</OPTION>

<OPTION value=3-4>3-4 days a week</OPTION>


value=4+>Over 4 days a week</OPTION>



<P>7. Have you played for another squad before?<BR>


<INPUT type=checkbox value=checkbox

name="played 4 a squad b42">


<INPUT type=checkbox value=checkbox

name="not played 4 squad b42">


<P>If yes then what was the squad name?

<INPUT name="squad name">

<P> and what is the squad url ?

<INPUT name="squad url">

<P> </P>

<P>8. Any other information you feel I should know?<BR>

<textarea name="extra info" rows=4 cols=30>age... etc


<P>9. What is your email addres ?

<INPUT name ="email addres">





<TD vAlign=top colSpan=3 height=39>

<DIV align=center>By clicking submit you agree with and will play

to our <A target=_blank

href="rules.htm">rules</A> click to see rules</DIV>






<DIV align=center>





<TD align=middle>

<INPUT type=submit value=Submit name=submit2>

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>











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thx alot RED but it didn't realy help. all i need to know is how people send the info to there inbox?

goto opflashpoint

and look at there submit news.

then goto the source, goto the bottom of the pg and around that area shows thing is set up.

when u submit anything it says thanku ur info has been sent to the amin or wot ever, all this info goes straight to there e-mail address.

im making a site with someone and all he has is submit the news straight to his e-mail. that doesn't really help and wastes peoples time. considering the mail only gives round 1.50 megs of space to send when on websites u can submit almost wotever u want.

<span style='color:red'>AND NO THATS NOT MY REAL SITE> IT WAS JUST A LUAGH!</span>

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lol I doubt you guys even know whats going on

EMAILTO does work in a PFP since the Method=POST

you guy make me laugh with your ignorant just add this but don't say where to add it posts!

SIMPLE Rob do the following

cut and patse to your page

then where you see [email protected] place your email




<form method="post" action="/news.php?action=addnews">

<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="[email protected]">

<input type=hidden name="subject" value="Join Request">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="maintext">


<td>Your name:</td>

<td><input type="text" name="name" value=""></td>



<td>E-Mail address :</td>

<td><input type="text" name="email" value=""></td>




<td><input type="text" name="topic" value=""></td>




<td><textarea name="message" rows="4" cols="40" class="textbox"></textarea></td>



<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Update News">   <input type="button" border="0" onClick="history.back()" value="Cancel"></td>







Changes include the Following


<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="[email protected]">

<input type=hidden name="subject" value="Join Request">


</td><td align="right" valign="top" class="menu">

this was not needed and in the wrong place to even work

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did you copy this from another site?

your last post sugest that you did, if so your site must have the PHP or a FORM MAIL CGI in order for this to work

show me the site that you want this on, I may also need access

you can look at our source code here

<a href="http://www.roughnecks.org/join.html

you'll" target="_blank">http://www.roughnecks.org/join.html

you'll</a> notice that the next page goes to a thank you page this goes right under the EMAILTO line i added

<input type=hidden name="redirect" value="http://www.roughnecks.org/thankyou.html">

just change the link to where you want yours to go

email me if you need more help

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 9:25 am on Nov. 18, 2001)

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thx alot mate but because it aint linked to another page it wont send the info straight to me.

if i made another page how would i add the link with the button, at the same time the info goin to my inbox?

so far i just have a blank page and no page for the information to say that it has been sent. is there more to this?

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sorry mate u posted another reply without me refreshing it first.

ok heres the site im helping someone make.


i dont have access to the sites html but i said to brent the person that making it that i was goin to make a sumbission area for him.

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its very new and has only been up for the last couple of weeks so its obviously still under construction.

thats y i said i wud help.

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thx mate.. i shall show him the site and hopefully he will do it.

(Edited by Rob at 3:53 pm on Nov. 18, 2001)

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Not to start a flame war, but RN Malboeuf, did you not see my first post stating that none of this would work, and that he'd have to use PHP if he were to try and use the original source?


lol I doubt you guys even know whats going on

EMAILTO does work in a PFP since the Method=POST

you guy make me laugh with your ignorant just add this but don't say where to add it posts!"

Just so you know, I am not one of the ignorant folk, and I know exactly what's going on. I offered my help, but I'm not going to do this for free. Such is life.

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btw wots php anywayz? i downloaded this file which was a php file and i couldn't open it.

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