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Waste of Time

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My ADSl connection from Telus in BC, Canada is 640up/1500down. That's their standard package for $39.99 including two IPs.

(Edited by Desloc at 1:11 pm on Dec. 2, 2001)

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I have Insight@home, they AREN'T shut-down smile.gif I think it was only a few co's not the whole @home business.

(Edited by WisdoM at 1:58 pm on Dec. 3, 2001)

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alot of @Home is Owned my Rogers, all the ones they Own are fine



I asked about Excite and they Said they are owned by Rogers and Rogers owns Lycos as well, So I can't see them going under

so Excite should recover unless Rogers kicked them out

Rogers is the Candian Version of Turner (Ted), #### they're even buddies

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Just uncapp your cable modem with a program called

f**kupc F*u*c*kUPC

it only works for Homelan cable modems

I had a limit of 16 kb p/s so i uncapped it,

and now people can download with up to 200 kb from me

(Edited by King Kong at 11:04 pm on Dec. 3, 2001)

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this does not work much and many ISPs usually scan the modems or reprogram then every so often (ours is every Sunday 3 AM)

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Rogers does NOT own @Home.

Sorry no go man... Excite@Home is Bankrupt...

Just read the news man... it's everywhere now.

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RN Malwhateva,

Dood do you ever get down from that horse?

**funny how your never wrong in your posts**....

Is there anything you dont know?

I'm 56gay in the UK (not by choice) and born in the USA..guess what ? theres more out there than just the states... You come across as an arrogant know it all in all or most of your posts..very one minded.. when you say something it is written in stone....give it a f**kin rest..

no one is correct all the time.......

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>>>alot of @Home is Owned my Rogers

>>>Rogers does NOT own @Home

I stated allot of @home is owned by Rogers, not all of it Stop onling looking at it from a American POV

>>>>Well, im doing it a half year right now

>>>>this does not work much

where did I say it can't be done?

Email some how went out to your ISP about this

>>>>>Cpt Gamer FtK

Try and post something and not just a flame.

NA has more Broad ban USers then the UK, yes, still does not suport your case

Post a link on the Stats for Broad Ban users compared to Dial up in stead of a flame to show your intelligence

untill then your arguements/flames are not suported

>>>>>guess what ? theres more out there than just the states

I'm in no way an American, and where did I say I was 100% correct? you read to much into posts and then only Flame, try and be a little more open minded

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Malboeuf... hardly... Rogers would own very little if ANY of NOONE@HOME.

Do not post about stuff you do not know.

Rogers I would say has a better handle on things than AT&T, COX and COMCAST but only because they are smaller.

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Whats going on with @home anyway? My cable provider bought a 90day contract, so the serivce stays up, until they find a new buyer er some s**t, so why didnt everyone do this?

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Yes Wisdom I just read that Excite did the same thing, they all did here, I found a Rogers Page that said that Rogers owns the @home network in Canada and 25% in the US, you need to be a Rogers Employee and log in on that site to actually see that informations, Rogers has a Employee News letter that states this very fact, Since my Uncle is a Rogers Employee he showed it to me.

Ted Rogers has allot of ownership in American Cable and @home services smile.gif regardless of what Eddy says

Tsk tsk Eddy, not up to date are you

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When the service is bought out, doesnt it normmaly get worse teh first few months? But my Cable co. is all aobut pleasing the customer, so maybe they will do some better stuff *crosses fingers*

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Where does this (from the link you gave):

"Its highly-successful ventures include the Quicken.ca personal finance site, the Electric Library Canada subscription-based online research service, and the Rogers@Home cable modem access product."

say Rogers owns a lot of Excite@Home? It mentions Rogers@Home and doesn't even say the level of investment. Which again Rogers would own very little if any of Excite@Home... and if they did own some they are just down right stupido...

Furthermore this tells me that they don't even know HOW to invest. What the #### is this stuff... it's like penny ante sh_it.

Man you are so off... stop spewing SH_IT about something you know NOTHING about.


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Yes expect some major waves in the future with Cable access.

AT&T is looking to dump their cable and move to a DSL platform. This is not new news... just read the Tech Sector daily and you will see this stuff.

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Shared Cable in the larger Cities does suck, but I live in a small city 65,000 so we don't have to worry about it much

if I did live in a larger City I'de pay for higher end DSL or Wireless. as long as it was fast, I would not care if criminals saw me pay my bills in 128 bit encryption, they would have to sort it out from all the MP I play at home

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look, what this game needs is for one or two of you guys with yer superdooper mega turbo connections to put up and leave running a dedicated server that can cope with loads of players with decent maps.

Its pointless at the moment with hundreds of servers online at the same time with only 2 or 3 people in each of them

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Mines comming just after Xmas

T3 based in Central NA

1.6 ghz Athlon 512 megs ram


<<<<<<<doesn't even say the level of investment. Which again Rogers would own very little if any of Excite@Home...

Try all of it, they own 100%

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Ummm... we already have that Col Rambo. We have 10-30 people on at almost all times. It is completely dedicated and has some awesome maps.

Notice the tag below?

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Malboeuf... man are you an idiot?

Rogers doesn't own 100% of Excite@Home! That is idiotic to even say... first off it is a PUBLIC company meaning it was traded on the Market (before bankruptcy). Second AT&T owns like 23%. Third... what get a clue???

Man stop the spewing... just admit you have no clue about things of this nature and shut up and leave it at that.

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1st off I don't think you understand the many areas of the Excite network <-----key word here

I never said it 100% of Excite, I said 100% Excite@home, you know the subject we are discussing

there are different areas, #### our major ISP here MTS.Net owns part of the excite network as well, Rogers does not like them and almost sued them for several reason (has to do with not allowing Call Display to Rogers Cell Phones) this would have resulted in Rogers actually buying out MTS and then owning, it, MTS just barely escaped, if you knew about this you would have known this was a nother step to owning more of the excite network <--- key word, which in turn giving Rogers the ability to buy several other companies

you in no way up to date

best lay off the Flaming, it does not help your claims, open your eyes and learn to read man, your starting to jump the gun and make a fool of your self

I don't need to Flame to have a civilzed arguement

if you noticed

>>>>>>you need to be a Rogers Employee and log in on that site to actually see that informations, Rogers has a Employee News letter that states this very fact, Since my Uncle is a Rogers Employee he showed it to me.

smile.gif Tsk Tsk

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from BigQEd on 3:43 pm on Dec. 5, 2001

Yes expect some major waves in the future with Cable access.

<span id='postcolor'>

Do you mean this in a good or bad way?

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