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Waste of Time

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then why do we populate Radish's server more often then yours?

I'll tell you why, your's has what a total of 12 maps? 2 CTFs? (Last Time I was on it)

and it lags, the only time we used it is when Radish's server crashed or it was too full (40 players online, some thing your server can't handle)

I never called you a liar, I corrected your statement

Have you corrected your limited upload stream in OFP? why does your OFP limit your server and not his

have you talked to him?


(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 10:37 am on Nov. 28, 2001)

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Please read the post from Radish here:


You will see his not what you are claiming RN. He realizes as much as I do that it isn't the bandwidth limiting OFP. (I know this because we have more than anyone to my knowledge)... and Radish knows it.

Stop flaming and trying to shoot people down on this forum. I know what our servers and Bandwidth consist of and to have you try and belittle them is just down right stupid.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Angry Radish on 2:42 am on Nov. 29, 2001

To stick my neck in this really quick, yes, we have had 40 players on the server, but it was on a simple map, and the FPS suffered pretty badly. My current bottleneck is actually processing power, the GHZ processor is maxed out with about 26-28 players, so I currently have players limited to 20-22 to keep flying possible on some of the larger maps.

BigQed, as far as I'm concerned, your server has set the standard for OFP servers. The only real differences between our servers are the types of maps played, and the hours they are operational. (not having my own ISP, i need to save some bandwidth on my measley T-1 for my users during the day :-))

Many of the players that frequent my server either play on mine, or yours, no others, so I'd say that I at least compare to yours:-)

<span id='postcolor'>

ignore malboeuf, he is always arguing his own case, he claimed that its impossible for me to have a higher upload than download on my adsl...how would he know?

just give up while you can. malboeuf wont give up no matter what.....you "cant" prove him wrong, he wont accept anything except his own ideas...

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Acctually Pete, I would have to agree with Malboeuf on that one. The difference in ADSL and DSL is teh A, I think it's like Asynchrous(cant remember) Which means that there is a major difference in your up/down speeds. essentially meaning that you down is gonna be a #### of alot more than your up wink.gif You probably ran a speed test and didnt clear your cache wink.gif

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Not always true Wisdom...

ADSL comes in many flavors... while most have a low upload speed some are very good. Also if the ISP he is utilizing for his ADSL is peaking on downstream he may actually see a better upstream.

If they guy who stated that knows what Upload and Download IS then I would say he is aware of what his system is capable of. To say he is wrong is not cool unless you are in his shoes... or on his connection.

Malbeouf... maybe I just don't want you emailing me... lol

(Edited by BigQEd at 9:55 pm on Nov. 29, 2001)

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I would concur with those findings.

We as an ISP know whats out there and what people use and want.

Gamers = Bandwidth and thus the people posting in here are shortsighted as to what the general public wants.

The General Public has very very little need at the present for "Broadband". Our largest customer base by far is Dialup and will continue to be so for the next 2+ years based on growth. Dialup is still expanding believe it or not... many are just getting on the Internet at home... believe it or not.

You Gamers think everyone is like you. Seriously what does your grandmother say about "BroadBand"? Ask her sometime and check out those Deer in the Headlight eyes...

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Once again you're wrong, your email does not responde to the server, I ran a SMTP Snooper on it, and tried it from a seperate Hot mail account

you can't even set up you're own lines and emails corectly

you can send email to our servers, clients or sites, and if the user name is incorect it still get sorted and sent to the most liky canidate.

try it


and you're Wrong on ADSL

SDSL is cable of matching both speed up and down

there is no ADSL that is set up to offer more upload then dlown load, thats not how ADSL works

thats a standard fact, and not on of my "Ideas"

ISPs have a standard 3/1 ratio guide lines this means the average users have some thing like 768d/128up- some will be higher in Dload, and some lower in upload, and also these are stated in the CTRC rules for Communications for Residential Net Services

This does not mean some home users have these exact Net Speeds

I my self have 1700/1500 since we do a little work on the side for the local Cable ISP, this includes installing the lines to the houses that needs it and the setting of the Line speeds, and selling the conection

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 4:55 pm on Nov. 29, 2001)

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ok... Malboeuf... what are you 16?

Yes ADSL is almost always higher down than up. HOWEVER, not all ISP's use 'guidelines' and they may over saturate their network thus uploads may actually be higher on some ISP's. It wouldn't be the first time I have seen this occur.

SDSL, HDSL and other xDSL's are usually a higher quality than ADSL. However, that doesn't mean that ADSL in some cases won't out perform them. It just depends on the 'PROVIDER'.

For example... remember the days when you were using dialup? Did you have a favorite ISP because it seemed they were faster? Thats what I mean... not all ISP's are equal... and just because the ADSL or SDSL circuit says it's capable of such and such doesn't mean you will get that speed. It all depends on the ISP and if they are over-saturated and have their systems setup properly.

You can read all you want on the NET about ADSL and SDSL... however, when the tire hits the road in the real world you can kiss those text book facts goodbye.

FragHaus is my gaming site guy... my Admins had the filters set to tight. If you try my email now you will see it works just fine. My Corporate email has always worked fine...

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*sigh* why did i mention that again? sad.gif

well...here it goes...far as i know the a in adsl is for assymetric dsl, and means the upload/download is not the same speed...normally.

but my download/upload is supposed to be 512/512 kbit, but it aint...its 512/700+ kbit

on a good day i can download at 60 k/s from my isp, meaing it doesnt get any better than that....but i can send at 85 k/s.

this is not a fantasy, its a "fact"...different isp's have different settings, my neighbour next door has a other isp, he gets 2.5 mbit down and 0.75 mbit up..and with some extra money he can get it to 5 mbit/1.5 mbit.

you all assume (except bigqed) that all isp's around the world uses the same standards.

btw, the biggest line i ever used for playing games belongs to a university near me...155 mbit line to the net :biggrin:

(Edited by Pete at 11:11 pm on Nov. 29, 2001)

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Pete... I truly believe you are aware of your service.

ADSL can be many things... depending on the ISP.

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I remember a certain operson whos posting here arguing with me that most of the net users arround today all have broadband, and that the otheres were now the minority.

Funny how the Target figure in the UK is for 16% to be broadband users by 2006, with less that 4% being broadband at the moment.

Thats Official Government figures, go argue with them.

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Col Rambo... I truly believe those stats.

Being in the business I know in our areas majority by far is still 'narrowband'. Broadband has to be less than 5%...

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yea nooooo

you guys we're allready put down, no one will go by UK "stats"alone

they never even figured in what NA has

if you for 1 second think that Large Cities with Millions of ppl mostly use Dial up you sadly mistaken

Broad ban has taken big strides, the amount of Dial up is still steadly falling, our two local ISP have a two week waiting period every day for the last 5 years to install DSL/Cable in to homes

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Cable? You mean the cable company that has filed bankruptcy and is now going to cease operation tomorrow?

Thats right Excite@Home is in real trouble... and so are Cable users.

Read these for more info:



So get ready to call up your old ISP with your tail between your legs... and beg for Internet Service again :-0

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if ya go back to page 2 of this post RN youll see i posted that link because of a comment you said , well that link states that 91% of the people on the net in the US are on dial up , 9 % are broadband now thats about 70 million people on dial up , city or rural most of the people online are dial ups

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udder Crap, 70 miliion lol

and Rogers@home does not seem to have any problems, Rogers has about the same amount of money in reserves as Turner does

We have Shawhome about 2 hours away from us, but our cable is not linked to them

What do you sell Eddy? DSL/Cable? whast faster in your area?

Cable here is 3 times faster then ADSL (1-3 user node sharing)

where in our surroundig comunities ADSL is twice as fast due to the new technology installed compared to their city counter parts on the Same ISP

Excite is Crap, now if we can just get rid of AOL

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 12:35 pm on Nov. 30, 2001)

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70 Million sounds about right. Sometimes the truth hurts Malboeuf. Dialup is by far more popular than Cable or DSL.

We do many services and if you are interested you are welcome to visit our website... Malboeuf. This is not the place to SELL my services. www.1st.net

DSL and Highspeed Wireless are the future. Not Cable... which is shared and has more issues than I care to go into.

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True, but not here, our Cable is just not shared like the Larger Cities where you get 30 Users per node

we have a roughly a T1 speed for each user running off of Fiber from the Juctions Boxes on the each corner, and never more then 3 users per node

If i lived in a larger City, then ya I'de head over to DSL

Wireless has it's problems, we have a dealer here now that sell it, it's twice as fast as the local DSL but still not as fast as the Cable

They have been unable to do more then just a few Company Contracts and have all ready laid off 3/4 of thier Employees, thery are down to 3 personel (ex GF still works for them thats how I know)

Also Wireless is just that, wireless, open to countless more Security leaks, and having a Transmitter so close to you opens concerns for Radiation and Cancer

I was just at a demonstration on Security leaks on Wireless, with a lap to and a Transever one can eves drop on any data being sent un less the Data is Encrypted by the hard ware or the soft ware

scary stuff, I wont bet on it's Future, but it will have it's place

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 4:55 pm on Nov. 30, 2001)

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Must be #### for those 100 Cable users in a single street.

once they all log on there connction will be worse than a 56k dialup anyway.

My Friend has Cable, every time his GF switches the TV on his connection crapps out.

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each block does not have 100 houses, it has 15 average (per side)

Small cities run about 3-5 users on a node, and larger cites have 15-30+ users,

if every one on the block is dloaing movies then yea it will slow down, but thats rare, it's not like they have a T1 or T3 running to the Juction box, these are Fiber Line which handle allot more

Cable net runs at different freqencies (seperate un used channels) and should not effect other channels, if it does then the compainy realy needs help

On Average, When Cable slows down on Peak times, they can still have more speed then an ADSL line

this is true since the average ADSL users has 256-512k dload

Cable runs much higher on average 768-1000k, so if we get a minor slow down, we'll still be faster then ADSL

I can easliy say ADSL falls asleep and you'll have problems with programs that think your off line

I see this on allot of ppls ADSL locally

and I've had my Cable contection stop only twice in the last three years

I can live with that

Cable may slow down for some

but DSL is allot slower on Average

Wireless is Fast I just saw a 11 MB router for the home

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I don't need to argue this... and I won't.

BUT... I will tell you Wireless is capable of up to 100Mbps with the right setup. Just a matter of time before this becomes more commonplace.

BIG Corporates (like AT&T and SBC) aren't doing this... and thus it's rollout will be like when the NET started... slow but sure. Done right...

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yea we know it can go that fast, but look at DSL it can co up to 8mb with some modems, more with others like Cable, but yet no one does it


1) Too Expensive, no one will PAY for it unless it's free

2) it's against the Law for Residential users, they have set Speed Restirctions (CRTC look it up)

you wont Aurgue because it makes Wireless look Bad, I would how ever use it for gaming, but the wireless here is just not as fast as our cable, nor will it be for some time if they don't go under.

100mb yes but never for Residential


1) Too Expensive, no one will PAY for it unless it's free

2) it's against the Law for Residential users, they have set Speed Restirctions (CRTC look it up)

3) it's open to more Security Breaches, then line Run internet

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@Home Cable is out across the country right now if you weren't aware.

@Home shutdown operations... gone...

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wasnt there a form of dsl that went to over 40mbits?

dont remember the name for it tho..but it used the whole phone line so you could not be on phone the same time.

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