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Aaron Kane

Value not an array...

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Alright, I've successfully managed to get OFPR to start with my changes made in the config.cpp.  However, when I get to the title screen, the message "Value not an array" appears.  Then I go to the mission editor, place my units, and everything is fine.

THEN, the weird stuff starts happening.  Lets say I place an AH64 in the mission editor with me as the pilot.  When I actually start the mission, my pilot is sitting ON the AH64's nose.  I can still move and fly, but the guy isnt even inside the damn chopper for crying out loud!  I target a T80, and fire all my hellfires at it, and IT DOESNT GET A SCRATCH ON IT!  I try the same with a BMP, and theres no damage done!

So it would seem that by changing the damage of hellfires in my config.cpp, I have somehow made ALL enemy units invincible, and messed up something else.  I'm being dead serious, all enemy units are invincible to my weapons, be they APFSDS, Mavericks, Hellfires, you name it.

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I hope you made a copy of the original config file. Looks like you screwed up bigtime. You need to restore the original file or reinstall. And what did you exactly change anyways???

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All I changed was the damage value for the Hellfire missiles carried on the Apache.

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And... you edited the .bin file straight? you propably broke something while doing that...

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I originally used the program OFPManager to turn the .bin into .cpp. Isnt this how its supposed to be done?

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