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New animated locking safe!

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Everon Cartel News Announcement

We have just released a NEW SAFE ADDON!  

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It's an animated safe and keypad combination lock interface accessible via the use of dialogues.  

It allows mission makers to choose any six digit combination of the numbers 0-9 or the symbols * and # for unlocking the safe  To add to it all, LCD created another script to easily make a booby-trapped version of the safe that blows up real good in the right situation!  (look for more details in the readme and/or on our website)

Get it here:

http://www.everoncartel.com/news.htm and then just follow the news announcement or click on the "downloads" section on the left.

You can see this addon in a mission made by me in the OFPEC BETA testing forum:  


Please feel free to post comments here or e-mail webmaster@everoncartel.com



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No, at this point it's intended use is for "documents" or other such things that would normally be in a safe.

(We plan on releasing a small pack of objects to go in the safe if there is interest.)

Or for the booby-trapped option, it's intended use is to blow you to unrecognizable pieces!



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Really neat addon! smile.gif Suggestion though: Make it so you can relock the safe after you've opened and closed it.

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Thanks for the compliments! biggrin.gif

Cops and robbers is sorta what our mod has in mind... wink.gif

As far as making it able to relock... We'll look into it.



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i treid to use it in a user made mission but it start screaming about a error i followed the readme to use the safe (xactly as written) but when i try to crack the safe it gives me a "resource DlgECLsafe not found" Error what can be wrong here (when i use the missions included with the safe it works fine ) sad.gif

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Hi Supergrunt!

Thanks for the interest!

Based on what you've said, I'd be willing to bet that you did not copy over the description.ext from one of the example missions.  Is that correct?

If not, let me know and give me as much info as possible about exactly what steps you took.



P.S.  @ Denoir, I'll watch the picture size next time...  Thanks.   wink.gif

P.P.S. @ Everyone We are working on a change to this addon that will allow the choice of a "random code generator" that creates a random code for the safe every time a mission is played. The code will be placed on a special "secret document" addon that we are creating that will allow the mission designer to allow the players to get the code various ways. smile.gif

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well i did copy the description file to my mission

as i said i did everything according to the readmy file

i even treid to merge the safe mission in to the mission the safe is going to be used in (with the description in the mission folder)

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Well... In that case Supergrunt.. It would be easier for us if you could send it to us and we could check it out for you. wink.gif I just talked to our master scripter, LCD, and he said it would be easier for him to solve the problem this way.

Let us know @:


Or go to our forums below. wink.gif


P.S. The document addon will be released very soon with the script I mentioned above! (just finished the document part of it tonight)

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i will send the file on 06-feb-2003 (because 05-feb-03 is my birthday so i will not be able to spend time with my computer)

its now 06-feb-03 00wow.gif7 hours so i will send it later today

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Are you going to make the documents able to drop and pick up and take with you? If that's so that'd be cool but you will be able to pick them up through the safe n stuff so its up to you. How about you make the documents a clipboard or something and if you put a jpeg in yoru mission folder it will appear on the paper. Like you would have to break into a safe to get the coordinates to nukes n stuff so you could go into microsoft paint, make a jpeg file with the coordinates stick it in the mission, then like put that pic in your mission folder and in the game when you break open the safe and see the papers then you'd see the coordinates on the paper. Kinda like how vehicles can have custom paintjobs of clans on the side.

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as i looked in the mission .sqm i discoverd that there was a init missing i will first try to find out if this was the problem or not.. if not i will send the file to the everon cartel for checking.

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No problem Supergrunt! Thanks for double checking it! smile.gif

@ Peanuckle

Thanks for the feedback!! smile.gif We are still ironing out the details, I like your ideas! The document will definately at least be "customizable" so that the mission designer can place a wide variety of things on there.. We will tell you more when we make sure it works correctly. (Our scripter, LCD is kinda busy with school right now, but it will be done very soon!wink.gifwink.gif



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Once you get the editable documents complete don't forget to include the font size that we the mission editor need to use when we put in our file, the size the jpeg should be, etc. It's going to be cool raiding a hotel to get the coordinates to nukes n stuff. lol.

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