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Triggered explosions

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I know how to make explosions appear on the map and how to make them explode after a set period of time using Game Logic (since Game Logic doesn't move, it makes a good trigger activator, IMO).

I was wondering, is it possible to make the explosions appear repeatedly? My friend wants to know this. He put the trigger on 'Repeated', but it didn't work. confused.gif

Can anyone help us?

(By the way. For people who don't know how to create triggered explosions... Here's my method.

To create bombs on map, use Game Logic, and in the 'On Activation' of the Triggers put:

Bomb = "bombname" camCreate getPos unitname

Bomb/explosion names





SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShell", SmokeShellGreen"





[Game Logic fields]

Name: gl1

[Trigger fields]

Activation: Game Logic

Timeout- Min: 5 Med: 5 Max: 5

On Activation: Bomb = "LaserGuidedBomb" camCreate getPos gl1)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


Bomb = "bombname" camCreate getPos unitname


goto "start"

<span id='postcolor'>

Put it in notepad and save it in your mission folder as bomb.sqs, if it says bomb.sqs.txt remove the .txt.

in the triggers activation field write: exec ["bomb.sqs"]

The "~2" is the time before the next bomb goes off, could be "~1" or you could just remove it.

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You could also use 3 triggers like this:

Make one trigger activated at the start and in the On Activation field add this:


Make another trigger:

make it repeatedly

Condition: a1 and a2

On Activation: Bomb="Bomb" camcreate getpos GameLogicName;a1=false

On Deactivation: a1=true

3rd trigger:

Countdown timer 60 60 60

Condition: this

On Activation: a2=false

I think that should work.

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I have created a test mission which is called game logic artillery, I think it does what you want, if interested mail me

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