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Simple redis access extension

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The following code can only be used on the server. Do not write it in the task file. It is recommended that you create a separate mod mount to avoid revealing RedIS information

Connect to redIS server first after server initialization (connection can only fail once and can be failed multiple times)


Parameters: [IP, port, password]
Redis has a password:
"ArmaMapsExt_x64" callExtension ["connectRedis",["","6379","123456"]]
Redis password free:
"ArmaMapsExt_x64" callExtension ["connectRedis",["","6379"]]

Store a string to the RedIS cache server

Parameters: [key, value]

Cache indefinitely:
"ArmaMapsExt" callExtension ["sendMsg",["usename","abc"]]
Cache expiration (in seconds):
"ArmaMapsExt" callExtension ["sendMsg",["usename","abc","60"]]

Gets a cached string from the key

_data = "ArmaMapsExt" callExtension ["getMsg",["username"]]

Returns the value if the cache is hit, otherwise returns an empty string

Note: the whole process can only be executed on the server!
Modules can also only be mounted on the server

If you are using client test, please close battleye first, otherwise it will block the load!





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