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Trick or Treat

Halloween is coming up, so how about a Trick or Treat addon for Exile?
Knock on the doors and gates of bases that aren't your own for either a Trick or a Treat!


  • Customisable Treats, chance to get Treat and number of mags to spawn with weapons.
  • Only shows up when it's Halloween, so no need to remove the script afterwards or comment anything out.
  • Ability to add more Tricks if you like. You just need to create a new Trick file which is a script that runs on the player and add it into the response script.
  • Comes with sounds. (Door knock, Creepy laughs and creepy voice that says "Trick or Treat".


All you need to do is reset the column "knocked" in your territory table in your database back to ["0"] before next Halloween.




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