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Exile Barter Trader - Standalone Trader System

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This was created for AWG Exile and cleaned up for a general release, thanks to Adam Kadmon for allowing me to do so.



You are free to modify them for your server. I have included an example mission in the github release. 

This was recreated, fixed up and improved on a vanilla Exile Altis server with no infistar or battleye. You are on your own for anything that pops up with those.

Please look at the example mission if you get stuck. I cannot help with install issues. You are free to post in the Exile Discord #support channel here: https://discord.gg/cmMMHyJ

If there are bugs with the actual released code I can take a look.


Thanks all - best of luck with your Exile Servers. 


Exile Barter Trader:
This is a standalone trader that allows you to offer up items for other items, no currency needed. Items are randomly selected from an admin customizable list and once they are traded for their stock does not replenish until another restart where it might randomly re-appear. Traded items are saved until restart and cannot be stolen by other players. If you have played DayZ Origins.. This is similar to their trader. 
Github: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/ExileBarterTrader
Video Preview:


Install Instructions:



Paste the contents into the top of your config file. Modify existing network message section if needed.


Paste the contents anywhere after #include "RscDefines.hpp" appears in your description.ext file


After if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {}; paste the upper contents of initplayerlocal.sqf found in the Client folder


See the the lower portion of this file to see how to add actions to traders so you can open specific traders and their items


If you are having trouble please view the example mission included.




No overrides needed, simply pbo the server folder and place inside your servermod folder (such as @ExileServer)


There is a table that is needed for this to function properly. Please execute the SQL on your Exile database


Paste the contents at the bottom of your exile.ini MODIFY if using extdb3


If you need help adding additional traders feel free to reach out.



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Is it possible to exchange only one item for another?
1 Gold bar for a Diamond.
1 Diamond for a Gold bar.


And would it be possible to swap an item for a Vehicle?
100 Diamonds for an armed Vehicle.

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  On 10/19/2020 at 5:58 PM, Whitey01 said:

Is it possible to exchange only one item for another?
1 Gold bar for a Diamond.
1 Diamond for a Gold bar.


And would it be possible to swap an item for a Vehicle?
100 Diamonds for an armed Vehicle.

Not without modification. By default it does not support vehicles.

  • Thanks 2

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i seem to be getting two errors one on server side and one on client side
Server RPT

  Reveal hidden contents

Client RPT

  Reveal hidden contents

has anyone else had these issues? they occurred while trying to trade items via the barter trader and the trade did not go through but the items were taken but no item was received to the player

I fixed my issue. I forgot the to add to exile.ini for anyone that ever finds themselves in a similar situation

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