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Object | Allow Rope Creation

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3 hours ago, ramirezdu06 said:

hi, i have created an object and i want to add the "rope creation" on this like "https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ropeCreate/transport" but i don't know how to do that so someone can help me ?

If I understand you correctly you have made an object that you want to be able to sling-load beneath a chopper and transport?

If so you'll need to add the following to the config entry for your object:

		slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"};

Then add the relevantly named points in the 'Memory' LOD of the object ("SlingLoadCargo1", "SlingLoadCargo2", "SlingLoadCargo3" and "SlingLoadCargo4").

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hi, yes i have made an object but i want to add the "rope creation" on it because the "slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"};" is for able to use "slingload" but not the "rope creation". The rope creation is to add my object in this list and after i can create a rope between my object and an other object

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Edit for "how to add a vehicle to "rope creation" Solved.

You need only to put : simulation = "YourSim"; in the vehicle class.

in simulation you can have | see below.
simulation = "shipX";
simulation = "tankX";
simulation = "carX";
simulation = "submarineX";

after the vehicle will be compatible.

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