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HELP ammo with forEach returns nothing

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_all = {_x ammo "1715_Seapat"} forEach _musketers;
hint format["%1", _all];

so i want the loaded ammo count for each unit from a gorup.If i loop throug them the script returns nothing but if i run the ammo code individually like this _ammocount = _musketer ammo "1715_Seapat"; it returns the loaded ammo.How can i return all the loaded ammo from a group?

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_all = 0;


_all  = _all + (_x ammo "1715_Seapat");

} forEach _musketers;

hint format["%1", _all];


should do it, code not tested


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12 minutes ago, gc8 said:


_all = 0;


_all  = _all + (_x ammo "1715_Seapat");

} forEach _musketers;

hint format["%1", _all];


should do it, code not tested


my squad conatins two unit the player and the teammate.If i fire it retruns 0 but it sohuld return 1 because my teammate 

hasn't shot yet.The 1715_Seapat has only 1 round in the magazine.

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13 minutes ago, Spriterfight said:

my squad conatins two unit the player and the teammate.If i fire it retruns 0 but it sohuld return 1 because my teammate 

hasn't shot yet.The 1715_Seapat has only 1 round in the magazine.

Meanwhile i realised the rifle was not  1715_Seapat so i renamed it and now works.Thank you


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