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Things that are good:

The battle pass is absolutely awesome


Things that are bad:

Aiming is very hard already and with the crazy high amounts of recoil that guns have its still a struggle to kill enemies that are even 10 meters away. This is very annoying so please fix.

Matchmaking, at first matchmaking was good but then all of a sudden i am being put in matches with players that have much more experiance and skills then me i have about 8 hours in this game and im being matched with people that look like they have hundreds of hours in it



when I climb up ladders my camera glitches around the map randomly which stops be from seeing what i am doing

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Hello Naeris,


Vigor isn't an easy game.. after your first 10 encounters you're putted in the middle of the jungler ! With strong players.

But I strongly recommand you to add other players in the lobby, with official Discord and this topic


Playing with a team is, for me, the best way to explore and progress 🙂

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I would love to have have some proximity chat. Maybe with addition of walkie-talkies, player's could use only game voice system. It would be fun to have to be close to my teammate because we don't have walkies yet

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