S. Phoenix 3 Posted September 27, 2020 When playing on a modded server with some friends, I had noticed that my mine detector was not working at all. My friends had no issues with theirs at all. I scoured the game, addon, and difficulty settings on the server to try to find something that might be a cause to no avail. In addition, the server gives engineer and EOD perms to everyone. The mine detector works perfectly in single player editor in tests. I am absolutely stumped as to what would cause this at all. I will try to do a reinstall of arma and associated mods and look at the mission file tomorrow. Any help would be much appreciated. Copy of current modlist with symptoms Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4082 Posted September 27, 2020 Hello welcome to BI forums! Your link is an html address which i see you got from exporting your mod list from the arma3 launcher, all you need to do is just paste the link and the list of mods your using will show. Another option is to post your rpt into a spoiler, or on this page https://justpaste.it/ publish and paste the link in your reply. Rpt would provide more details into the issue if there is one. Rpt can be found here C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Arma 3 If everyone is running the same mods, then it may be a setting you dont have set, or a key not bound, cant say til i see details of what mods your running. 1 hour ago, S. Phoenix said: I will try to do a reinstall of arma and associated mods and look at the mission file tomorrow. Dont do that, not needed thats overkill your approaching a fly with a sledge hammer. As you said here 1 hour ago, S. Phoenix said: The mine detector works perfectly in single player editor in tests. so its not the game itself, its either a mod your running that no one else is, or a setting, or something in the mission that is not allowing specifically you to not have that ability to detect mines, you also do need a mine detector in your inventory. Answer the following questions: Did you build the mission you all are playing or is it downloaded mission you put on the server? What is the mission you are playing if you have downloaded it? Mission from the steam workshop? Is the server hosted by you, or one of the other players, or is it a dedicated machine, or a GSP (rental)? Are you all running the same mods? Are there different roles in the mission you are playing? Is there a built in settings in the mission where you can adjust parameters like prior to mission start, or ingame via map, or menu as in a GUI? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S. Phoenix 3 Posted September 28, 2020 On 9/27/2020 at 3:03 AM, Gunter Severloh said: Another option is to post your rpt into a spoiler, or on this page https://justpaste.it/ publish and paste the link in your reply. Here You go. Hopefully I did it correctly. FYI 6k lines in that file. Spoiler https://justpaste.it/7q6f8 On 9/27/2020 at 3:03 AM, Gunter Severloh said: Dont do that, not needed thats overkill your approaching a fly with a sledge hammer. As you said here Unfortunately, I saw this too late but oh well. On 9/27/2020 at 3:03 AM, Gunter Severloh said: so its not the game itself, its either a mod your running that no one else is, or a setting, or something in the mission that is not allowing specifically you to not have that ability to detect mines, you also do need a mine detector in your inventory. That's what is baffling to me as i seem to be the only one affected by this issue. no one else has mentioned an issue like this yet. I've triple checked my triple check to see if I'm using a wrong mine detector or if I'm using itwrong but haven't seen anything yet. On 9/27/2020 at 3:03 AM, Gunter Severloh said: Answer the following questions: Did you build the mission you all are playing or is it downloaded mission you put on the server? What is the mission you are playing if you have downloaded it? Mission from the steam workshop? Is the server hosted by you, or one of the other players, or is it a dedicated machine, or a GSP (rental)? Are you all running the same mods? Are there different roles in the mission you are playing? Is there a built in settings in the mission where you can adjust parameters like prior to mission start, or ingame via map, or menu as in a GUI? 1. They are built by a handfull of friends I know. 2. These two different mission files built by separate people demonstrating this issue, linked below. Spoiler https://www.dropbox.com/s/yntyb3s43jgi8p5/76th20Training.hebontes.pbo?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hfztyg7i6advog/Operation3a20Tybor.Altis.pbo?dl=0 3. No hand built and then loaded onto the server. 4. Rented server running linux. From what I've heard from those who work with it regularly it is quite easy to break it when loading in new mission files. Typically resulting bizarre alterations to A3 server profile config line oders to run properly. 5. For the most part yes, there are a few client side mods that we run on our own at times. In my it would be Salmon ButtStroke, A3 Thermal Improvement, White_Phosphor (nvg color tweak mod). Everything else is required to be loaded by everyone. 6. Only in name as far as the server should be concerned. As mentioned before everyone has the highest level medical, engie, and EOD perms possible. However I have noticed that, especially spawning in that the loadouts given seem to a random unit kit as if when building the map units were placed down then turned into spawn points. (I have little to no knowledge of map making in arma). IE. I select the Platoon medic slot in the lobby and load into the server with an AT Riflemen kit. But that happens to everyone who isn't experiencing the issue. 7. I have access to admin on the sever in game and just recently the server from the host site. I have looked through server and client side settings, mission and client settings will be overridden by the server set ones, and found nothing that would inherently disable mine detector functionality. The same can be said for the server management window. The A3 profile config only has the minedetect=x function available which we have set to 0. that only pertains to using the 'lock target' to mark detected mines. Edit: So currently some functionality has returned. The Mine detector UI will so mines that I mark and seemingly at random ones i just look near or are near to. However i do not get the audible tone or big red dot indicators i have seen in SP editor tests. Spoiler Server: https://gyazo.com/4312ea1f3d48372b9278c6f84c8afa6c Editor: https://gyazo.com/b45c71609a7632bd55ef409fed54f001 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4082 Posted September 29, 2020 Super reply with detailed information thats perfect, if only everyone who has an issue with mods, or the game could provide that much detailed information, what you posted here is ideal! Nice work dude. As far as your issue goes, a list of the mods your running based on the rpt you provided: @[FAZ] 8 digits Coordinates A3 @CUP Terrains - Core @CBA_A3 @CUP Terrains - Maps @ace @RHSUSAF @RHSAFRF @JSRS SOUNDMOD @CUP Terrains - CWA @RHSGREF @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support @RHSSAF @JSR 15 hours ago, S. Phoenix said: However i do not get the audible tone or big red dot indicators i have seen in SP editor tests. Just to note, that the client (player's computer) settings will be overwritten by the server based on any scripting done on the server in the server.cfg, and the settings set in the server's profile for difficulty, so red dot indicators could be something the server is turning off, changing, or another mod on the server is affecting it. As for the sound you have a few sound files here, which could be effecting the sound as well. My suggestion is to run all the other mods except the JSRS files and see if there is any changes, also using Acre, Ace and RHS may effect these too more especially ace. Lastly an error in the rpt which is saying your missing a compatibility mod for ACE/RHS 15:25:17 WARNING: ace requires ace_compat_rhs_saf3 (@compat_rhs_saf3) at version [3,13,4,55] (or higher). You have none. that would be this https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=884966711 You may need the other ACE/RHS Compats as well. Look into that and see if it changes anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4943 Posted September 29, 2020 Sound + red spot.... that doesn't seem to be specific to JSRS. I'll bet on a script/mod altering the mine detection. Run the mission with the mandatory mods: map, units. Or test a new light scenario. Then add mod one by one. Did you play a real explosive specialist unit or a simple unit with added toolkit + detector + unit trait as explosive specialist? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S. Phoenix 3 Posted September 29, 2020 9 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: @[FAZ] 8 digits Coordinates A3 @CUP Terrains - Core @CBA_A3 @CUP Terrains - Maps @ace @RHSUSAF @RHSAFRF @JSRS SOUNDMOD @CUP Terrains - CWA @RHSGREF @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support @RHSSAF @JSR That appears to only be about half of the actual mods loaded 9 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: the server.cfg, and the settings set in the server's profile for difficulty, so red dot indicators could be something the server is turning off, changing, or another mod on the server is affecting it. I hosted the multiplayer mission on my machine and the issue still persisted so i think its tied to the mission file itself. I even dropped the mission difficulty to recruit before launching it and the issue still reared its ugly head. 9 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: My suggestion is to run all the other mods except the JSRS files and see if there is any changes, also using Acre, Ace and RHS may effect these too more especially ace. No dice, issue still persists. Even when adding compat mods or even re-installing ace, rhs, cup, and cwa. 6 hours ago, pierremgi said: I'll bet on a script/mod altering the mine detection. How would I look for such things in the mission. Let alone get into the mission editor? 6 hours ago, pierremgi said: Did you play a real explosive specialist unit or a simple unit with added toolkit + detector + unit trait as explosive specialist? Shouldn't be an issue, other players who do not meet those extra requirements, outside of having the detector in their pack have no issue what so ever. no tool kit or EOD/Explosive Specialist slot. Edit: I got a hold of the latest server .rpt Spoiler https://www.dropbox.com/s/vsplfng0iavaed7/arma3server_2020-09-29_04-04-30.rpt?dl=0 Found these few lines in a cursory glance 4:06:13 C:\TCAFiles\Users\drewm\78338\@ace\addons\ace_minedetector.pbo - 434b0b9a 4:06:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/VCB_Pinz.mineAlertIconRange'. 4:06:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/VCB_Pinz_OCimport_01.mineAlertIconRange'. 4:06:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/VCB_Pinz_OCimport_02.mineAlertIconRange'. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S. Phoenix 3 Posted September 29, 2020 I HAVE FOUND THE FIX! After numerous tests i began looking at items that may interfere with the mine detector that is usually in my loadout. I started by stripping down to my uniform(mine detector being in my back pack) with every thing in it. I would then one by one remove items, checking the mine detector overlay to see if something was hijacking it. Turns out cTab's helmet camera item was doing just that. Spoiler Mine detector UI with out the Helmet cam containing uniform https://gyazo.com/0668c14b7c0ad66ba29146bd63f1928f Mine detector Ui being hijacked by the helmet can in my uniform, mine detector on the ground (to the right of the inv UI) https://gyazo.com/93ca686ee0b865e505346ec6ce3acd64 After some searching on google i found this (https://github.com/Riouken/cTab). The last bullet point in the known issues list: "When helmet cam item is added to the inventory prior to a mine detector, the mine detector will not work." Thank you guys So much for your assistance. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4082 Posted September 30, 2020 Nice! Glad you figured it out! Such things are a headache, good finds on the rpt as well. Looking through your gear is a good idea if there is something that might be affecting something else that is also in your gear as you had found. 15 hours ago, S. Phoenix said: 20 hours ago, pierremgi said: I'll bet on a script/mod altering the mine detection. How would I look for such things in the mission. Let alone get into the mission editor? If a mission is using any scripts, then if its something you downloaded and are hosting, then you would have to open the pbo for the mission. For the workshop there is a folder you go to and inside that is a mission.pbo which then you rename to the mission name still with .pbo at the end, from there extract it, and a folder of the mission name and then a map extension would be on the end of that. You dont really need to move the mission into the editor folder to look at it, ideally you would open the mission folder and look at the scripts, and their code to see if there is any references, or codes for sound, lights, mines, detectors ect,. it all depends on the script and what it is for. Title of a script can give you an idea alone that it might be effecting something granted its not a huge missions like Liberation, domination, evolution, anastasi etc,. 15 hours ago, S. Phoenix said: That appears to only be about half of the actual mods loaded Ya just going by the rpt you had there, the commandline at the top is what that list is from. 15 hours ago, S. Phoenix said: Edit: I got a hold of the latest server .rpt I see: Spoiler @2035; @3CB Factions; @3den Enhanced; @ace; @ACE 3 Extension (Animations and Actions); @ACE Compat - RHS; @ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; @ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces; @Advanced Heli; @Altis Armed Forces (2017); @BackpackOnChest; @Blastcore Edited (standalone version); @CBA_A3; @Chemical Warfare; @cTab; @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Terrains; @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Vehicles; @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons; @CUP Terrains - Core; @CUP Terrains - CWA; @CUP Terrains - Maps; @CUP Units; @CUP Vehicles; @CUP Weapons; @Enhanced Movement; @Enhanced Movement Rework; @Extra RHS Uniform Re-textures; @iFatigue; @Immersion Cigs; @RHSAFRF; @RHSGREF; @RHSSAF; @RHSUSAF; @JSRS SOUNDMOD; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP VEHICLES MOD SOUND SUPPORT; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP WEAPONS MOD SOUND SUPPORT; @JSRS Dam dude, your running all these at once for one mission? Something you may want to add to your description.ext for your mission based on the message in the rpt below: 4:07:58 Mission 76th20Training.hebontes: Number of roles (20) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (30) 4:07:58 Mission 76th20Training.hebontes: Missing 'description.ext::Header::minPlayer' bolded part is what you need to add Basically like this class Header { gameType = Coop; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 30; }; So if you have 20 playable units in the mission, then you want the header to also reflect that, putting 30 when theres actually 20 is what puts out that message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S. Phoenix 3 Posted October 2, 2020 On 9/30/2020 at 8:41 AM, Gunter Severloh said: Dam dude, your running all these at once for one mission? Our group went through a bit of an upheaval. Those who used to be in charge were demanding certain mods be loaded. We had left as a majority, after ownership of pertinent servers had been transferred, we were in the middle of a campaign that used this 'old list'. That error has been noticed and the server is running a heavily revised and cut down 'New list'. On 9/30/2020 at 8:41 AM, Gunter Severloh said: Something you may want to add to your description.ext for your mission based on the message in the rpt below: 4:07:58 Mission 76th20Training.hebontes: Number of roles (20) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (30) 4:07:58 Mission 76th20Training.hebontes: Missing 'description.ext::Header::minPlayer' bolded part is what you need to add Basically like this class Header { gameType = Coop; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 30; }; So if you have 20 playable units in the mission, then you want the header to also reflect that, putting 30 when theres actually 20 is what puts out that message. I will definitely look into getting this rectified, might spur on some motivation for some server "spring cleaning". Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites