Rosso777 22 Posted September 17, 2020 I will be as succinct as I can. Dedicated Server, Exilemod. Family only, completely private. Using 3Den Editor, I created a mission placing soldiers, vehicles, triggers, etc. All vehicles exploded on server start, and every soldier had multiples in its place. If anyone can tell me WHY and how to resolve this, I would be forever in your debt and will name my 11th child after you I called the script from the mission file with [] ExecVM “script.sqf”. Spoiler // Export of 'Green_Mountain.chernarusredux' by Ross on v0.9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init params [["_layerWhiteList",[],[[]]],["_layerBlacklist",[],[[]]],["_posCenter",[0,0,0],[[]]],["_dir",0,[0]],["_idBlacklist",[],[[]]]]; private _allWhitelisted = _layerWhiteList isEqualTo []; private _layerRoot = (_allWhitelisted || {true in _layerWhiteList}) && {!(true in _layerBlackList)}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Markers private _markers = []; private _markerIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Groups private _groups = []; private _groupIDs = []; private _item0 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item0 = createGroup east; _this = _item0; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 0; }; private _item2 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item2 = createGroup east; _this = _item2; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 2; }; private _item6 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item6 = createGroup east; _this = _item6; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 6; }; private _item12 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item12 = createGroup east; _this = _item12; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 12; }; private _item15 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item15 = createGroup east; _this = _item15; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 15; }; private _item21 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item21 = createGroup east; _this = _item21; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 21; }; private _item30 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item30 = createGroup east; _this = _item30; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 30; }; private _item47 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item47 = createGroup east; _this = _item47; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 47; }; private _item50 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item50 = createGroup east; _this = _item50; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 50; }; private _item52 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item52 = createGroup east; _this = _item52; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 52; }; private _item85 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item85 = createGroup east; _this = _item85; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 85; }; private _item87 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item87 = createGroup east; _this = _item87; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 87; }; private _item103 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item103 = createGroup east; _this = _item103; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 103; }; private _item123 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item123 = createGroup east; _this = _item123; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 123; }; private _item143 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item143 = createGroup east; _this = _item143; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 143; }; private _item155 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item155 = createGroup east; _this = _item155; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 155; }; private _item159 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item159 = createGroup east; _this = _item159; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 159; }; private _item164 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item164 = createGroup east; _this = _item164; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 164; }; private _item183 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item183 = createGroup east; _this = _item183; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 183; }; private _item198 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item198 = createGroup east; _this = _item198; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 198; }; private _item229 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item229 = createGroup west; _this = _item229; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 229; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Objects private _objects = []; private _objectIDs = []; private _item1 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.903697) then { _item1 = _item0 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AR_M_EMR",[3741.98,5988.17,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item0 selectLeader _item1; _this = _item1; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 1; _this setPosWorld [3741.98,5988.22,402.803]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.957031,-0.289984,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 1; _this setUnitPos "DOWN"; _this setname "Vasili Vasilyev";; _this setface "WhiteHead_20";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 0.95;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; }; private _item3 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item3 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.645833) then { _item3 = _item2 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_M_EMR",[3718.21,6008.31,0],[],15,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item2 selectLeader _item3; _this = _item3; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 3; _this setPosWorld [3718.21,6008.36,401.658]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.967674,0.252205,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.84672; _this setUnitPos "DOWN"; _this setname "Yuri Zhitkov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_12";; _this setspeaker "Male02RUS";; _this setpitch 0.95;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; }; private _item7 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item7 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.500084) then { _item7 = _item6 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_Saiga_M_EMR",[3745.12,5989.86,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item6 selectLeader _item7; _this = _item7; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 7; _this setPosWorld [3745.12,5989.91,403.086]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.742724,-0.669597,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.765997; _this setname "Ruslan Pashinin";; _this setface "RussianHead_2";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 1;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; }; private _item13 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item13 = _item12 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Medic_M_EMR",[3719.41,5997,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item12 selectLeader _item13; _this = _item13; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 13; _this setPosWorld [3719.41,5997.05,402.075]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.581129,0.813811,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Nikolay Sudakov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_09";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 0.99;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (1 != -1 && {1 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1, true]}; }; private _item14 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item14 = _item12 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Officer_M_EMR",[3718.17,5997.27,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item14; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 14; _this setPosWorld [3718.17,5997.32,402.066]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.143855,0.989599,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Aleksander Tolstoy";; _this setface "LivonianHead_3";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.95;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item16 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item16 = _item15 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_Marksman_M_EMR",[3683.84,5995.78,8.918],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item15 selectLeader _item16; _this = _item16; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 16; _this setPosWorld [3683.84,5995.83,410.989]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.618518,0.785771,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setUnitLoadout [["CUP_srifle_SVD","","","CUP_optic_PSO_1",["CUP_10Rnd_762x54_SVD_M",10],[],""],[],["CUP_hgun_Makarov","","","",["CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M",8],[],""],["CUP_U_O_RUS_EMR_1",[["FirstAidKit",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",1],["CUP_10Rnd_762x54_SVD_M",6,10],["CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M",1,8]]],["CUP_V_RUS_6B45_1",[["ACE_fieldDressing",1],["ACE_quikclot",1],["CUP_10Rnd_762x54_SVD_M",1,10],["CUP_HandGrenade_RGD5",2,1],["SmokeShell",2,1],["CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M",3,8]]],[],"CUP_H_RUS_6B46","CUP_RUS_Balaclava_emr",["Binocular","","","",[],[],""],["","","ItemRadio","","ItemWatch",""]]; _this setSkill 0.826539; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Arkadiy Morozov";; _this setface "RussianHead_3";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.98;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item22 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item22 = _item21 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_Marksman_M_EMR",[3688.33,5983.78,9.07401],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item21 selectLeader _item22; _this = _item22; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 22; _this setPosWorld [3688.33,5983.83,411.145]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.998081,0.0619196,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setUnitLoadout [["CUP_srifle_SVD","","","CUP_optic_PSO_1",["CUP_10Rnd_762x54_SVD_M",10],[],""],[],["CUP_hgun_Makarov","","","",["CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M",8],[],""],["CUP_U_O_RUS_EMR_1",[["FirstAidKit",1],["CUP_10Rnd_762x54_SVD_M",6,10]]],["CUP_V_RUS_6B45_1",[["ACE_Banana",1],["ACE_packingBandage",2],["ACE_epinephrine",1],["CUP_10Rnd_762x54_SVD_M",1,10],["CUP_HandGrenade_RGD5",2,1],["SmokeShell",2,1],["CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M",3,8]]],[],"CUP_H_RUS_6B46","CUP_G_Beard_Shades_Black",["Rangefinder","","","",[],[],""],["","","ItemRadio","","ItemWatch",""]]; _this setSkill 0.851204; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Abram Golovko";; _this setface "LivonianHead_10";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.98;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item31 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item31 = _item30 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_Light_M_EMR",[3717.69,5955.15,0.144989],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item30 selectLeader _item31; _this = _item31; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 31; _this setPosWorld [3717.69,5955.2,402.198]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setUnitLoadout [[],[],[],["CUP_U_B_CZ_WDL_TShirt",[["FirstAidKit",1]]],[],[],"","",[],["","","","","",""]]; _this setSkill 0.25251; _this setname "Aleksander Doronin";; _this setface "RussianHead_3";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 1;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item48 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item48 = _item47 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Sniper_M_EMR",[3717.48,5977.08,25.706],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item47 selectLeader _item48; _this = _item48; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 48; _this setPosWorld [3717.48,5977.13,427.777]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.485451,-0.874264,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.900535; _this setRank "SERGEANT"; _this setname "Dimitri Tolstoy";; _this setface "LivonianHead_9";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.96;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item51 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item51 = _item50 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Sniper_M_EMR",[3717.49,5991.66,20.655],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item50 selectLeader _item51; _this = _item51; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 51; _this setPosWorld [3717.49,5991.71,422.729]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.927442; _this setRank "SERGEANT"; _this setname "Vasil Kirygin";; _this setface "LivonianHead_2";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 0.99;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1.5215,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item53 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item53 = _item52 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_TL",[3739.59,6016.24,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item52 selectLeader _item53; _this = _item53; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 53; _this setPosWorld [3739.59,6016.29,401.564]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.197589,0.980285,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setRank "SERGEANT"; _this setname "Nikolay Baranov";; _this setface "LivonianHead_4";; _this setspeaker "male03rus";; _this setpitch 1.00119;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item54 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item54 = _item52 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AR",[3743.52,6011.94,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item54; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 54; _this setPosWorld [3743.52,6011.99,401.908]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.197589,0.980285,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.45; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Arkadiy Potapenko";; _this setface "LivonianHead_1";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 1.02716;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item55 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item55 = _item52 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AT",[3745.48,6012.33,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item55; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 55; _this setPosWorld [3745.48,6012.38,401.704]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.197589,0.980285,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.45; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Leonid Strugackiy";; _this setface "LivonianHead_3";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.00535;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item56 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item56 = _item52 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_GL",[3747.44,6012.73,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item56; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 56; _this setPosWorld [3747.44,6012.78,401.474]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.197589,0.980285,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Konstantin Dobryakov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_15";; _this setspeaker "male03rus";; _this setpitch 1.03647;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item57 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item57 = _item52 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier",[3749.4,6013.12,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item57; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 57; _this setPosWorld [3749.4,6013.17,401.224]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.197589,0.980285,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Vasil Fisenko";; _this setface "LivonianHead_5";; _this setspeaker "male03rus";; _this setpitch 0.99977;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item86 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item86 = _item85 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Sniper_M_EMR",[3719.44,5981.23,42.523],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item85 selectLeader _item86; _this = _item86; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 86; _this setPosWorld [3719.44,5981.28,444.594]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.925157,-0.379585,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.927442; _this setRank "SERGEANT"; _this setname "Pyotr Soloveychik";; _this setface "WhiteHead_09";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 0.99;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1.5215,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item88 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item88 = _item87 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_TL",[3593.09,6141.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item87 selectLeader _item88; _this = _item88; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 88; _this setPosWorld [3593.09,6141.75,374.365]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setRank "SERGEANT"; _this setname "Daniil Zhegalov";; _this setface "LivonianHead_5";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.03847;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item89 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item89 = _item87 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_MG",[3596.09,6136.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item89; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 89; _this setPosWorld [3596.09,6136.75,375.396]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.45; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Vasili Lermontov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_07";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.01832;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item90 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item90 = _item87 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_MG",[3598.09,6136.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item90; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 90; _this setPosWorld [3598.09,6136.75,375.621]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.45; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Ilya Strugackiy";; _this setface "WhiteHead_14";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.03467;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item91 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item91 = _item87 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_GL",[3600.09,6136.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item91; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 91; _this setPosWorld [3600.09,6136.75,375.846]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Pyotr Strugackiy";; _this setface "LivonianHead_9";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 0.956754;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item92 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item92 = _item87 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AT",[3602.09,6136.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item92; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 92; _this setPosWorld [3602.09,6136.75,376.056]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Aleksander Potapenko";; _this setface "WhiteHead_01";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 1.0469;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item104 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item104 = _item103 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_SL_M_EMR",[3592.72,6125.17,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item103 selectLeader _item104; _this = _item104; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 104; _this setPosWorld [3592.72,6125.22,376.576]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.228181,0.973619,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Viktor Mamayev";; _this setface "RussianHead_3";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 0.99;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item125 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item125 = _item123 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Pilot",[-184.054,7648.21,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item123 selectLeader _item125; _this = _item125; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 125; _this setPosWorld [-183.896,7648.61,220.198]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.980814,-0.194947],[0.0755584,0.19439,0.97801]]; _this setname "Fyodor Malyukov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_03";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.01182;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item126 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item126 = _item123 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Pilot",[-184.054,7648.21,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item126; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 126; _this setPosWorld [-183.896,7648.61,220.198]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.980814,-0.194947],[0.0755584,0.19439,0.97801]]; _this setname "Nikolay Lermontov";; _this setface "RussianHead_4";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 1.00191;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item129 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item129 = _item123 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Pilot",[-190.124,7684.73,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item129; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 129; _this setPosWorld [-190.272,7685.75,219.123]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.981879,0.189507],[0.0242232,-0.189451,0.981591]]; _this setname "Vitaly Produnov";; _this setface "LivonianHead_2";; _this setspeaker "male03rus";; _this setpitch 0.958747;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item130 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item130 = _item123 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Pilot",[-190.124,7684.73,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item130; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 130; _this setPosWorld [-190.272,7685.75,219.123]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.981879,0.189507],[0.0242232,-0.189451,0.981591]]; _this setname "Ivan Kirygin";; _this setface "RussianHead_5";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.01279;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; /* private _item124 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item124 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_Mi24_V_Dynamic_RU",[-184.081,7648.07,-0.00419617],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item124; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 124; _this setPosWorld [-183.896,7648.61,220.198]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.980814,-0.194947],[0.0755584,0.19439,0.97801]]; _this setPylonLoadout [1,"CUP_PylonPod_2Rnd_AT6_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [2,"CUP_PylonPod_20Rnd_S8N_CCIP_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [3,"CUP_PylonPod_20Rnd_S8N_CCIP_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [4,"CUP_PylonPod_20Rnd_S8N_CCIP_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [5,"CUP_PylonPod_20Rnd_S8N_CCIP_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [6,"CUP_PylonPod_2Rnd_AT6_M"]; [_this,"[[[[""CUP_arifle_AKS74U"",""FirstAidKit""],[1,4]],[[""CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M"",""SmokeShell"",""SmokeShellOrange"",""Chemlight_red""],[10,2,2,2]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; [_this,8] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace;; }; private _item128 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item128 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_Mi24_P_Dynamic_RU",[-190.338,7686.28,-0.451874],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item128; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 128; _this setPosWorld [-190.272,7685.75,219.123]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.981879,0.189507],[0.0242232,-0.189451,0.981591]]; _this setPylonLoadout [1,"CUP_PylonPod_2Rnd_Ataka_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [2,"CUP_PylonPod_20Rnd_S8N_CCIP_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [3,"CUP_PylonPod_1Rnd_FAB250_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [4,"CUP_PylonPod_1Rnd_FAB250_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [5,"CUP_PylonPod_20Rnd_S8N_CCIP_M"]; _this setPylonLoadout [6,"CUP_PylonPod_2Rnd_Ataka_M"]; [_this,"[[[[""CUP_arifle_AKS74U"",""FirstAidKit""],[1,4]],[[""CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M"",""SmokeShell"",""SmokeShellOrange"",""Chemlight_red""],[10,2,2,2]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; [_this,8] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace;; }; private _item140 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item140 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.502886) then { _item140 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_UAZ_Unarmed_RU",[3693.94,5967.63,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item140; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 140; _this setPosWorld [3693.94,5967.63,402.451]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.396683,-0.917956,0],[0,0,1]]; _this lock 0; _this setFuel 0.026398; _this setVehicleAmmo 0; [_this,"[[[[""CUP_arifle_AKS74U"",""FirstAidKit""],[2,10]],[[""CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M"",""CUP_RPG18_M"",""SmokeShell"",""SmokeShellOrange"",""Chemlight_red""],[20,2,2,2,2]],[[],[]],[[""CUP_B_CivPack_WDL""],[4]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; if !(false) then {_this setVariable ['s', false, true];};; _this setVariable ['s',1];; [_this,4] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace;; }; }; */ private _item142 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item142 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.247825) then { _item142 = createVehicle ["EBM_woodencrate",[3682.48,5994.64,0.658997],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item142; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 142; _this setPosWorld [3682.48,5994.64,402.729]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.952635,0.304116,0],[0,0,1]]; [_this,"[[[[""CUP_arifle_AK101"",""CUP_arifle_AK101_GL"",""CUP_arifle_AK108"",""CUP_arifle_M16A2"",""CUP_arifle_M16A4_Base"",""CUP_arifle_M4A1_black"",""CUP_srifle_Mosin_Nagant""],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1]],[[""CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Sand"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Sand_green"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Sand_red"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Sand_Tracer_Green"",""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Sand_Tracer_Yellow"",""CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"",""CUP_100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag_camo"",""20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"",""30Rnd_545x39_Mag_Tracer_F"",""CUP_30Rnd_TE1_Green_Tracer_545x39_AK_M"",""CUP_30Rnd_Subsonic_545x39_AK74M_M"",""CUP_20Rnd_Subsonic_545x39_AKSU_M"",""CUP_60Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M"",""Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_545x39_AK_Yellow"",""Exile_Magazine_45Rnd_545x39_RPK_Green"",""Exile_Magazine_75Rnd_545x39_RPK_Green"",""CUP_30Rnd_TE1_Red_Tracer_545x39_AK_camo_M"",""CUP_30Rnd_TE1_White_Tracer_545x39_AK_desert_M""],[3,2,2,3,1,1,1,2,2,1,6,3,3,2,2,1,2,1,1,2,1]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; if !(false) then {_this setVariable ['s', false, true];};; [_this,2] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize;; }; }; private _item144 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item144 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.500084) then { _item144 = _item143 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_Saiga_M_EMR",[3714.48,6005.23,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item143 selectLeader _item144; _this = _item144; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 144; _this setPosWorld [3714.48,6005.28,401.925]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.931628,0.363414,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.810843; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Boris Kamenev";; _this setface "WhiteHead_14";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 1;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; }; private _item156 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item156 = _item155 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_TL_M_EMR",[3690.62,5990.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item155 selectLeader _item156; _this = _item156; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 156; _this setPosWorld [3690.62,5990.65,402.071]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.999652,0.0263864,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.900535; _this setRank "LIEUTENANT"; _this setUnitPos "DOWN"; _this setname "German Zubov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_20";; _this setspeaker "Male02RUS";; _this setpitch 0.96;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item160 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item160 = objNull; if (random 1 < 0.797188) then { _item160 = _item159 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_M_EMR",[3702.98,5962.24,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item159 selectLeader _item160; _this = _item160; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 160; _this setPosWorld [3702.98,5962.29,402.071]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.45584,-0.890062,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.815327; _this setUnitPos "DOWN"; _this setname "Boris Privalov";; _this setface "RussianHead_3";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.95;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1.35333,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; }; private _item165 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item165 = _item164 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier_LAT_M_EMR",[3699.17,5960.46,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item164 selectLeader _item165; _this = _item165; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 165; _this setPosWorld [3699.17,5960.51,402.071]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Vitaly Morozov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_01";; _this setspeaker "Male03RUS";; _this setpitch 0.98;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item184 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item184 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_GL",[4912.61,9958.73,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item183 selectLeader _item184; _this = _item184; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 184; _this setPosWorld [4912.61,9958.78,339.061]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.45; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Roman Macura";; _this setface "WhiteHead_01";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.993712;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item186 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item186 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_AK74",[4913.64,9957.43,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item186; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 186; _this setPosWorld [4913.64,9957.43,339.918]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Otakar Nedbal";; _this setface "WhiteHead_20";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 1.04487;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item187 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item187 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_AK74",[4913.64,9957.43,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item187; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 187; _this setPosWorld [4913.64,9957.43,339.918]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Rostislav Dvorak";; _this setface "LivonianHead_9";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 0.951718;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item189 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item189 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_AK74",[4929.29,9966.21,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item189; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 189; _this setPosWorld [4929.29,9966.21,339.078]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Vadim Vymazal";; _this setface "WhiteHead_20";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 0.995235;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item190 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item190 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_AK74",[4929.29,9966.21,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item190; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 190; _this setPosWorld [4929.29,9966.21,339.078]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Matous Guglava";; _this setface "RussianHead_2";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 0.986778;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item192 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item192 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_AK74",[4921.85,9980.49,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item192; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 192; _this setPosWorld [4921.85,9980.49,339.918]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Vlastimil Vitek";; _this setface "LivonianHead_10";; _this setspeaker "male01rus";; _this setpitch 1.03331;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item193 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item193 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_AK74",[4921.85,9980.49,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item193; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 193; _this setPosWorld [4921.85,9980.49,339.918]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Stepan Valenta";; _this setface "WhiteHead_06";; _this setspeaker "male03rus";; _this setpitch 1.00271;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item194 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item194 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier",[4921.5,9982.61,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item194; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 194; _this setPosWorld [4921.5,9982.66,339.061]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Miro Horvat";; _this setface "LivonianHead_6";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.967103;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item195 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item195 = _item183 createUnit ["CUP_O_INS_Soldier_MG",[4928.83,9967.62,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item195; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 195; _this setPosWorld [4928.83,9967.67,339.061]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Miro Kravchuk";; _this setface "WhiteHead_13";; _this setspeaker "Male01RUS";; _this setpitch 0.990416;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; /* private _item185 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item185 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_UAZ_MG_CHDKZ",[4913.64,9957.43,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item185; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 185; _this setPosWorld [4913.64,9957.43,339.918]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; [_this,"[[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; _this setVariable ['s',1];; [_this,4] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace;; }; private _item188 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item188 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_UAZ_SPG9_CHDKZ",[4929.29,9966.21,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item188; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 188; _this setPosWorld [4929.29,9966.21,339.078]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; [_this,"[[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; _this setVariable ['s',1];; [_this,4] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace;; }; private _item191 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item191 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_UAZ_MG_CHDKZ",[4921.85,9980.49,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item191; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 191; _this setPosWorld [4921.85,9980.49,339.918]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.909193,-0.416376,0],[0,0,1]]; [_this,"[[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; _this setVariable ['s',1];; [_this,4] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace;; }; */ private _item230 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item230 = _item229 createUnit ["CUP_B_BAF_Soldier_Diver_MTP",[4058.35,6159.72,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item229 selectLeader _item230; _this = _item230; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 230; _this setPosWorld [4058.35,6159.77,355.18]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setname "Samuel Nelson";; _this setface "WhiteHead_04";; _this setspeaker "Male03ENGB";; _this setpitch 0.98;; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Triggers private _triggers = []; private _triggerIDs = []; private _item105 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item105 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetectorAreaR250",[3723.1,5982.06,0],true]; _this = _item105; _triggers pushback _this; _triggerIDs pushback 105; _item105 setPosATL [3723.1,5982.06,0]; _this setTriggerArea [100,100,0,false,-1]; _this setTriggerActivation ["WEST","PRESENT",false]; }; private _item182 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item182 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetectorAreaR250",[3726.48,5983.8,0],true]; _this = _item182; _triggers pushback _this; _triggerIDs pushback 182; _item182 setPosATL [3726.48,5983.8,0]; _this setTriggerArea [250,250,0,false,-1]; _this setTriggerActivation ["WEST","PRESENT",false]; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Group attributes (applied only once group units exist) _this = _item0; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item2; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item6; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-3"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item12; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-4"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; _this setCombatMode "RED"; _this setBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setSpeedMode "LIMITED"; }; _this = _item15; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-5"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item21; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-6"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item30; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 2-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item47; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 2-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item50; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 2-3"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item52; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 2-4"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; _this setBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setSpeedMode "LIMITED"; _this enableDynamicSimulation true; if (true) then {[{(_this select 0) setVariable ['s', _this select 1, true];},[_this,true]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame};; }; _this = _item85; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 2-5"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item87; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 2-6"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; _this setBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setFormation "STAG COLUMN"; _this setSpeedMode "LIMITED"; }; _this = _item103; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 3-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item123; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 3-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; _this setCombatMode "RED"; _this setSpeedMode "FULL"; }; _this = _item143; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 3-3"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item155; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 3-4"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item159; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 3-5"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item164; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 3-6"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item183; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 4-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; _this setBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setFormation "FILE"; }; _this = _item198; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 4-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item229; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Waypoints private _waypoints = []; private _waypointIDs = []; private _item5 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item5 = _item2 addWaypoint [[3727.36,6004.6,0.5],0]; _this = _item5; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 5; _this setWaypointLoiterRadius 10; _this setWaypointType "LOITER"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _this setWaypointTimeout [30,150,300]; }; private _item83 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item83 = _item2 addWaypoint [[3720.17,6009.5,0],0]; _this = _item83; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 83; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; }; private _item8 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item8 = _item6 addWaypoint [[3745.12,5989.86,0.5],0]; _this = _item8; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 8; _this setWaypointLoiterRadius 10; _this setWaypointType "LOITER"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _this setWaypointTimeout [10,20,30]; }; private _item9 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item9 = _item6 addWaypoint [[3734.32,6016.98,0],0]; _this = _item9; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 9; _this setWaypointLoiterRadius 25; _this setWaypointType "LOITER"; _this setWaypointTimeout [15,30,45]; }; private _item82 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item82 = _item6 addWaypoint [[3750.58,5985.35,0],0]; _this = _item82; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 82; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,180,270]; }; private _item23 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item23 = _item15 addWaypoint [[3683.84,5995.78,9.418],0]; _this = _item23; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 23; _this setWaypointType "SENTRY"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 5; _this setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; }; private _item33 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item33 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3717.78,5954.94,0.145996],0]; _this = _item33; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 33; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; }; private _item34 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item34 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3704.25,5950.38,0.13858],0]; _this = _item34; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 34; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item35 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item35 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3702.37,5949.83,0],0]; _this = _item35; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 35; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item36 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item36 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3701.7,5950.18,0],0]; _this = _item36; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 36; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item37 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item37 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3698.88,5960.67,0],0]; _this = _item37; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 37; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item38 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item38 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3691.58,6000.59,0.0400085],0]; _this = _item38; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 38; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [30,45,60]; }; private _item39 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item39 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3701.33,6008.65,0.326996],0]; _this = _item39; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 39; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [5,30,60]; }; private _item40 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item40 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3707.28,6002.02,0],0]; _this = _item40; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 40; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item41 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item41 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3719.72,6000.09,1.05304],0]; _this = _item41; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 41; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 5; _this setWaypointTimeout [30,60,90]; }; private _item42 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item42 = _item30 addWaypoint [[3717.69,5955.15,0.644989],0]; _this = _item42; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 42; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; }; private _item58 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item58 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3701.97,6050.42,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item58; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 58; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; }; private _item59 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item59 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3683.73,6087.42,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item59; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 59; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item60 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item60 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3640.13,6141.67,9.15527e-005],0]; _this = _item60; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 60; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item61 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item61 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3593.85,6201.51,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item61; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 61; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item62 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item62 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3585.14,6222.52,0],0]; _this = _item62; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 62; _this setWaypointType "LOITER"; _this setWaypointTimeout [30,45,60]; }; private _item63 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item63 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3600.32,6188.44,0],0]; _this = _item63; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 63; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item64 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item64 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3621.44,6170.09,9.15527e-005],0]; _this = _item64; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 64; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item65 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item65 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3653.42,6122.64,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item65; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 65; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item66 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item66 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3688.76,6077,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item66; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 66; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item67 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item67 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3741.97,6020.24,0],0]; _this = _item67; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 67; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item68 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item68 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3754.79,6004.53,9.15527e-005],0]; _this = _item68; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 68; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item69 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item69 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3765.96,5990.73,-9.15527e-005],0]; _this = _item69; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 69; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item70 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item70 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3764.06,5969.14,0],0]; _this = _item70; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 70; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item71 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item71 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3774.32,5951.26,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item71; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 71; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item72 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item72 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3794,5936.62,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item72; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 72; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item73 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item73 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3841.7,5912,0],0]; _this = _item73; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 73; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item74 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item74 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3908.27,5863.42,0],0]; _this = _item74; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 74; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item75 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item75 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3967.68,5806.57,-6.10352e-005],0]; _this = _item75; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 75; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item76 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item76 = _item52 addWaypoint [[4000.7,5769.62,0],0]; _this = _item76; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 76; _this setWaypointLoiterRadius 10; _this setWaypointType "LOITER"; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,90,120]; }; private _item77 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item77 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3914.48,5854.63,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item77; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 77; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item78 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item78 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3821.32,5932.19,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item78; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 78; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item79 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item79 = _item52 addWaypoint [[3750.42,6006.69,0],0]; _this = _item79; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 79; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 20; }; private _item93 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item93 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3501.93,6097.63,0],0]; _this = _item93; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 93; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item94 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item94 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3480.81,5988.51,0],0]; _this = _item94; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 94; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item95 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item95 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3564.83,5832.98,0],0]; _this = _item95; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 95; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item96 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item96 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3711.32,5758.95,0],0]; _this = _item96; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 96; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item97 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item97 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3852.29,5720.29,0],0]; _this = _item97; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 97; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item98 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item98 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3977.77,5879.08,0],0]; _this = _item98; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 98; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item99 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item99 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3983.99,6022.03,0],0]; _this = _item99; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 99; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item100 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item100 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3904.09,6100.85,0],0]; _this = _item100; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 100; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item101 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item101 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3773.27,6164.41,0],0]; _this = _item101; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 101; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item102 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item102 = _item87 addWaypoint [[3666.31,6174.63,0],0]; _this = _item102; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 102; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; }; private _item132 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item132 = _item123 addWaypoint [[-129.304,7666.9,0],0]; _this = _item132; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 132; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _this setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _this setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; }; private _item133 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item133 = _item123 addWaypoint [[3681.14,6022.28,0],0]; _this = _item133; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 133; _this setWaypointType "SAD"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 150; _this setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _this setWaypointVisible false; _this setWaypointTimeout [120,180,240]; }; private _item134 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item134 = _item123 addWaypoint [[-468.137,7718.44,0],0]; _this = _item134; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 134; _this setWaypointType "VEHICLEINVEHICLEGETOUT"; }; private _item145 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item145 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3691.49,5992.65,0],0]; _this = _item145; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 145; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 25; _this setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _this setWaypointTimeout [1,60,90]; }; private _item146 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item146 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3699.3,5965.12,0],0]; _this = _item146; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 146; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 10; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; }; private _item147 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item147 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3685.32,5962.18,0],0]; _this = _item147; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 147; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item148 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item148 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3682.55,5967.74,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item148; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 148; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item149 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item149 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3679.86,5968.12,0],0]; _this = _item149; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 149; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [1,30,60]; }; private _item150 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item150 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3671.01,5986.18,0],0]; _this = _item150; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 150; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [1,60,120]; }; private _item151 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item151 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3670.22,5994.02,0],0]; _this = _item151; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 151; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item152 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item152 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3681.37,6000.27,0],0]; _this = _item152; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 152; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item153 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item153 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3689.16,6010.89,0],0]; _this = _item153; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 153; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 5; _this setWaypointTimeout [30,60,90]; }; private _item154 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item154 = _item143 addWaypoint [[3706.12,6000.1,0],0]; _this = _item154; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 154; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; }; private _item157 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item157 = _item155 addWaypoint [[3690.62,5990.6,0.5],0]; _this = _item157; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 157; _this setWaypointType "LOITER"; }; private _item158 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item158 = _item155 addWaypoint [[3694.59,5978.66,0],0]; _this = _item158; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 158; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; }; private _item161 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item161 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3700.03,5953.72,0],0]; _this = _item161; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 161; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item162 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item162 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3703.49,5944.63,0],0]; _this = _item162; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 162; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item163 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item163 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3703.51,5943.13,5.06799],0]; _this = _item163; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 163; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,120,240]; }; private _item166 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item166 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3682.77,5965.01,0],0]; _this = _item166; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 166; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item167 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item167 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3681.43,5964.24,5.06601],0]; _this = _item167; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 167; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,120,240]; }; private _item168 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item168 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3666.68,5991.37,0],0]; _this = _item168; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 168; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item169 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item169 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3674.51,5998.07,0],0]; _this = _item169; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 169; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item170 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item170 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3672.98,5999.28,5.05701],0]; _this = _item170; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 170; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,120,240]; }; private _item171 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item171 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3674.68,5998.43,0],0]; _this = _item171; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 171; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item172 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item172 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3702.56,6016.33,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item172; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 172; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item173 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item173 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3703.88,6017.55,5.133],0]; _this = _item173; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 173; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,120,240]; }; private _item174 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item174 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3703.06,6016.5,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item174; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 174; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item175 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item175 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3706.14,6015.33,-6.10352e-005],0]; _this = _item175; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 175; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item176 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item176 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3718.89,5999.45,0],0]; _this = _item176; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 176; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; _this setWaypointCompletionRadius 10; _this setWaypointTimeout [60,120,240]; }; private _item177 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item177 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3709.31,5989.6,0],0]; _this = _item177; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 177; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item178 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item178 = _item159 addWaypoint [[3700.42,5957.34,0],0]; _this = _item178; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 178; _this setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _this setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _this setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; }; private _item197 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item197 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4931.28,9976.21,0],0]; _this = _item197; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 197; _this setWaypointType "LOAD"; }; private _item200 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item200 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4931.99,9744.35,0],0]; _this = _item200; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 200; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item201 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item201 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5126.34,9676.34,0],0]; _this = _item201; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 201; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item202 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item202 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5104.41,9731.13,24.0983],0]; _this = _item202; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 202; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item203 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item203 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5105.47,9765.1,0],0]; _this = _item203; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 203; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item204 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item204 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5119.8,9775.74,0],0]; _this = _item204; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 204; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item205 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item205 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5155.81,9777.96,0],0]; _this = _item205; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 205; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item206 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item206 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5177.65,9779.37,0],0]; _this = _item206; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 206; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item207 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item207 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5200.31,9783.67,0],0]; _this = _item207; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 207; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item208 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item208 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5242.64,9781.91,0],0]; _this = _item208; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 208; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item209 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item209 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5267.7,9771.34,0],0]; _this = _item209; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 209; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item210 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item210 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5289.08,9747.81,-6.10352e-005],0]; _this = _item210; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 210; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item211 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item211 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5294.8,9717.1,0],0]; _this = _item211; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 211; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item212 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item212 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5292.36,9628.43,0],0]; _this = _item212; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 212; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item213 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item213 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5293.81,9543.41,0],0]; _this = _item213; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 213; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item214 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item214 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5268.57,9442.1,0],0]; _this = _item214; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 214; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item215 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item215 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5325.17,9315.34,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item215; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 215; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item216 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item216 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5410.14,9220.2,0],0]; _this = _item216; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 216; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item217 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item217 = _item183 addWaypoint [[5338.77,8826.08,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item217; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 217; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item218 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item218 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4843.49,8746.88,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item218; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 218; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item219 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item219 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4853.5,8396.71,0],0]; _this = _item219; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 219; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item220 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item220 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4953.58,8006.51,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item220; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 220; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item221 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item221 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4713.04,7741.7,0],0]; _this = _item221; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 221; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item222 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item222 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4640.69,7542.82,0],0]; _this = _item222; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 222; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item223 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item223 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4610.54,7313.8,-3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item223; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 223; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item224 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item224 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4164.39,6617.7,0],0]; _this = _item224; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 224; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item225 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item225 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4134.25,5665.45,0],0]; _this = _item225; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 225; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item226 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item226 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4094.81,5685.84,3.05176e-005],0]; _this = _item226; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 226; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item227 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item227 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4027.86,5748.15,0],0]; _this = _item227; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 227; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; private _item228 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item228 = _item183 addWaypoint [[3757.2,5978.93,0],0]; _this = _item228; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 228; _this setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; }; private _item231 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item231 = _item183 addWaypoint [[4931.42,9976.67,0],0]; _this = _item231; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 231; _this setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logics private _logics = []; private _logicIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Layers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Crews if (!isNull _item125 && !isNull _item124) then {_item125 moveInDriver _item124;}; if (!isNull _item126 && !isNull _item124) then {_item126 moveInTurret [_item124,[0]];}; if (!isNull _item129 && !isNull _item128) then {_item129 moveInDriver _item128;}; if (!isNull _item130 && !isNull _item128) then {_item130 moveInTurret [_item128,[0]];}; if (!isNull _item186 && !isNull _item185) then {_item186 moveInDriver _item185;}; if (!isNull _item187 && !isNull _item185) then {_item187 moveInTurret [_item185,[1]];}; if (!isNull _item189 && !isNull _item188) then {_item189 moveInDriver _item188;}; if (!isNull _item190 && !isNull _item188) then {_item190 moveInTurret [_item188,[1]];}; if (!isNull _item192 && !isNull _item191) then {_item192 moveInDriver _item191;}; if (!isNull _item193 && !isNull _item191) then {_item193 moveInTurret [_item191,[1]];}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vehicle cargo /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connections //if (!isNull _item105 && !(_item132 isEqualTo [])) then {_item105 synchronizeWaypoint [_item132];}; //if (!isNull _item182 && !(_item197 isEqualTo [])) then {_item182 synchronizeWaypoint [_item197];}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inits (executed only once all entities exist; isNil used to ensure non-scheduled environment) isNil { if !(isnull _item12) then { this = _item12; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item1) then { this = _item1; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item13) then { this = _item13; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item14) then { this = _item14; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item16) then { this = _item16; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item22) then { this = _item22; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item48) then { this = _item48; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item51) then { this = _item51; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; if !(isnull _item86) then { this = _item86; call{this disableAI "PATH";}; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module activations (only once everything is spawned and connected) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [[_objects,_groups,_triggers,_waypoints,_logics,_markers],[_objectIDs,_groupIDs,_triggerIDs,_waypointIDs,_logicIDs,_markerIDs]] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosso777 22 Posted September 18, 2020 Update that may help someone in the future: Instead of running the file from the mission's init.sqf, I ran it from the initServer.sqf. One version of everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1746 Posted September 18, 2020 Because when you run it from init.sqf,it runs on every client as well as the server. So for each player, an extra object will spawn. Move the script to initserver and it only runs on the server. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites