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Checking for publicvariable in Condition

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Hello, I'm trying to add a custom ace interaction to build a camp when certain conditions are met by the player.

However I do not want them to be able to build a second camp after the first is already built, I thought the easiest way to accomplish this was by setting a publicvariable to true and to only have the action available when the variable was false.


this is what the add ace interaction code looks like

if !(hasInterface) exitWith {};

_condition = {
    ('murshun_cigs_lighter' in (VestItems player + Uniformitems player + backpackItems player)) && campspawn == false;
_statement = {
        execVM "Camp_Script\spawn.sqf";
_build = ["buildcamp","Build Camp","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\Obsolete\ui_action_fire_in_flame_ca",_statement,_condition] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[(typeOf player), 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], _build] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;


the part I'm having problems with is the second part of the condition, the entire code worked perfectly until I added this line

&& campspawn == false;


additional things I added, I added this

campspawn = false; publicVariable "campspawn";

into my init.sqf



campspawn = true;

into the end of my camp building script


campspawn = false;

into my camp packing script.

But I get this error when loading into the game



It says the error is a missing ";" but I don't think thats the actual issue because I've tried it with and without semicolons and have tried semicolons in a few different places to no avail, so would anyone happen to know what I'm doing wrong?

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A "missing ;" error is generally not literal - it means something is wrong with the code in such a way that the engine expects the expression to end somewhere it doesn't. 


In this case, the error message shows one "=" where there should be two, so it thinks the condition should actually end with "campspawn" (I.E. checking if campspawn is true).

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more exactly:

... && ! campspawn

instead of

... && campspawn = false


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