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Roadshape texture

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Can anyone explain whats going on here?

There is the same texture on any roadshape and it becomes a different look depending on the sunlight direction.

How can i fix this?

I tried to reduce specularpower in rvmat but still the same result.






used rvmat:

class Stage1
	class uvTransform
class Stage2
	class uvTransform
class Stage3
	class uvTransform


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You have a decal somewhere near it, A3 puddle decal is known for doing this. Delete it and road will fix itself

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for temporary fix i disabled material file in roadslib.cfg.

but i don't have any decals near it. only trees and roads:




I don't have any puddle or water decal object on my map.

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Oh just had a thought, can you post your map sampler settings. Cell size etc


Also how many surfaces do you export surface mask with?

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Woah there! 😄 32 cell!! eek


Ok got a number of things going on here, that way too high a cell size, also texture layer needs to be min 4 x cell size. But its best to keep it as close to 40 x 40 as you can get it.

Which you did but... your cell size is way too high, you would have had all sorts of issues with AI walking through buildings.


So you need to clear your "layers" folder of all files, I also strongly recommend you delete mapName.grid.000.v4w. As that gets corrupted easy when changing samplers. (don't worry it gets remade when you export layers)

Step by step:

1. In TB do file > export > terrain (use .asc). This will export any changes you have done with buldozer.

2. Delete any old imported heightmap from rasters in TB.

3. Import your terrain that you exported in step 1.

4. In map Samplers change it to this

   Grid 4096

   Cell 4

   Leave your other settings you had them correct, make sure texture layer is as close to 40 x 40 as you can get it

5. On Processing tab click "rebuild terrain", this will changed your terrain to new correct settings.

6. Export your surfaces and mask with 6 materials, or 5 if you use a normal map. Don't use 4 as it's broke.

7 Done! roads should show better now, and you can now edit your terrain every 4m, instead of 32m!!!

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i try..


how can i delete imported heightmap?

it won't let me:




i got it i need the raster on top to delete

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yep, the indented one is the one TB \ buldozer uses. That's why I said to export terrain first.

Once you hit rebuild terrain, you can even delete the imported one as it isn't used by TB / buldozer at all

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That grid update worked very well. thank you!

But roads still have shimmer from different angle:


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hmm try using a A3 road rvmat in P:\a3\roads_f\Roads\data


maybe your normal is too strong or something

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already tried a normal with high and low transparecy with no difference in the result. thx for your help!

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You might want to ask on the Arma Discord, way more people on there to help

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I experienced an issue during your grid update.

I can't pack my project anymore.

Only did your steps for grid update, packed project with pboproject--> works

Then i saw all bridge objects were moved and corrected their height-> packing failed

I rollbacked the project, and that happend twice.

Error in PboProject:

Generic error or premature EOF

Packing fails on ending of crunch and its very annoying


Cannot figure out the reason.







New Sampler settings:




P drive & mikero tools should be ok. I can pack old releases. I rollbacked project twice.

I'm creating a new Virtualmaschine with new P drive right now for testing.



I also moved the new heightfield.asc on top of rasters and i didn't know if this is right

Do i need to export the terrain again when i make Terrain Manipulation changes to it?


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Did you export a fresh .wrp?


Make sure you are using latest mikero tools https://mikero.bytex.digital/Downloads

The version before had a nasty error with certain hightmaps.


If you are using latest version, try hiding all object layers in TB, then export a fresh wrp so there is 0 objects used. Pack the terrain, if it works, then its a object causing the issue

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setted up fresh p drive and latest mikero tools.

after correcting bridge height and their street, it fail. I always export wrp.

Trying right now....


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Yeah pbo has to be under 2gb.


saved\wlk_lokino_001.v4d etc


You need to save you project into the source folder, source folder doesn't get packed into the pbo. So any files you don't want in the pbo move them out of there or into source.

For your TB project just do "save as" and save it in source or some other folder on your pc.

I use P:\source_files\map_name, you only need the .wrp and textures etc in the map folder

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my normal sat file suffix:




i should change to nohq i think

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_nomp is not used by Arma, just leave it blank TB will add the correct name itself

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another issue: i cannot export Shapes to imagery because the shapefiles are moved now.

how can i fix that?

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11 hours ago, Walkero0 said:

another issue: i cannot export Shapes to imagery because the shapefiles are moved now.

how can i fix that?


What do you mean moved?

When you re saved project, TB will have moved them for you to the new location.

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I copied the saved folder into the source folder and loaded project from there.

Deleted the old one.

Shapefiles are in new folder and exporting shapes fail.

You need to change ProjectDirecoty in Terraibuilder-->Tools-->Preferences-->User Settings-->Path to the new location:



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I wouldn't of copied it, all sorts of stuff could go wrong. That's why I said do File > Save As, as its re saves everything correct.

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