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I really feel that the ability to destroy crates should not be a part of a game whilst the boosting options exists, I would be absolutely livid if I boosted a crate, spent coins and someone destroyed it. I get that if you have been radiated, box has been conned to be heavier than normal, under fire and you loaded out without a weapon . Why you now want to lose it and escape in time before radiation kills you or try to be unnoticed as you were only trying your luck and now want to be untraceable on map but the minimum action that should be able to be performed with a boosted crate, is a drop it option...not a destroy one. It doesn’t bode well and needs to be addressed urgently. People die fighting for this crate or make the effort of placement, etc...use a personal signal to see if they have competition and then in a couple of seconds, gone. I seen players do  it just to get the pick up the zip gor collection, deleted instantly just so they can try and escape unnoticed as don’t have the belief they will survive and fear of losing earning loot or loadout.

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Yup sounds about right and frankly I used to do the same before I stopped playing Im in the camp of try my luck getting the crate and if I come under fire I’ll typically hide and dump the crate xD scummy yes but effective 

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