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_gunner = mortar_gunner;
_assistantgunner = mortar_assistant_gunner;
_gunnerGrp = group mortar_gunner;

while {alive _gunnerGrp} do {
_totEnemy = {alive _x && side _x == EAST} count allUnits;

if ( _totEnemy > 0) then {

_list = nearestObjects [_gunner,["Man"],500];
_listfiltered = _list select {side _x == west};

_target1 = sleectRandom _listfiltered;

23:02:08 Error in expression <nemy > 0) then {
_listoftargets = _list = nearestObjects [_myUnit,["Man"],500];
23:02:08   Error position: <= nearestObjects [_myUnit,["Man"],500];
23:02:08   Error Missing ;
23:02:08 File C:\Users\tibcs_000\Documents\Arma 3\missions\weapondeployment%20script.tem_ihantalaww\weapondeployment.sqf..., line 12

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1. if global variable exists, why don't you use them? (what interest to  write _gunner = mortar_gunner if your unit is already mortar_gunner in editor or former script?)

2. alive applies on objects, not group; Anyway you can check for gunner in mortar because he is the only one who can fire (except further script switching the mortar crew);

3. allUnits is already a filter for men. on the other hand nearestObjects with "man" will return rabbits and snakes as well (welcome to arma world!).


But I never saw a blue rabbit


4. sleectRandom doesn't exist as command (nor variable) so the script throws an error for missing ";"

5. I hope you spawn / execVM your script! You could be stuck in that loop if unscheduled scope. The reason why i'll spawn mine as is:


0 = []spawn {
  sleep 2;

  private "_target";
  private _mag = (vehicle mortar_gunner currentMagazineTurret [0]);

  while {alive mortar_gunner && WEST countSide allUnits > 0 } do {

    _target = selectRandom (allUnits select {side _x == west});

   mortar_gunner doArtilleryFire [getPos _target, _mag, 1];

   vehicle mortar_gunner addMagazineTurret [_mag,[0],1];
   sleep 2;



here mortar_gunner is the mortar gunner;

for vanilla mortar,  or any modded mortar, acting as an artillery, with [0] as gunner turret.



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4 hours ago, pierremgi said:

1. if global variable exists, why don't you use them? (what interest to  write _gunner = mortar_gunner if your unit is already mortar_gunner in editor or former script?)

2. alive applies on objects, not group; Anyway you can check for gunner in mortar because he is the only one who can fire (except further script switching the mortar crew);

3. allUnits is already a filter for men. on the other hand nearestObjects with "man" will return rabbits and snakes as well (welcome to arma world!).

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But I never saw a blue rabbit


4. sleectRandom doesn't exist as command (nor variable) so the script throws an error for missing ";"

5. I hope you spawn / execVM your script! You could be stuck in that loop if unscheduled scope. The reason why i'll spawn mine as is:


0 = []spawn {
  sleep 2;

  private "_target";
  private _mag = (vehicle mortar_gunner currentMagazineTurret [0]);

  while {alive mortar_gunner && WEST countSide allUnits > 0 } do {

    _target = selectRandom (allUnits select {side _x == west});

   mortar_gunner doArtilleryFire [getPos _target, _mag, 1];

   vehicle mortar_gunner addMagazineTurret [_mag,[0],1];
   sleep 2;



here mortar_gunner is the mortar gunner;

for vanilla mortar,  or any modded mortar, acting as an artillery, with [0] as gunner turret.



Thank you very much!

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