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LCpl N. Harrison

Help Adding Event Handler (Solved)

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Really at a loss here, probably should've asked sooner. Thank you in advance to anyone who helps.


So, I'm trying to spawn a boat in via a function executed from a server-side addon, and prevent the AI inside from dismounting when the vehicle is disabled. While I am aware this is the Mission Editing board, I felt my issue sorta spans both mission editing and addon editing, so I just picked one.


After some experimentation and research, I decided the best method for this would be to add a "GetOut" event handler that moves the dismounting unit back into the boat.


Here is the method I am using to spawn (and lock) the boat:

    _boatModel = selectRandom(getArray(_eventSetting >> "pe_boatClasses"));
    _boat = createVehicle[_boatModel, _pos];
    _boat lock true;

It works perfectly fine, I just wanted to provide it for reference.


As for the event handler:

    _boat addEventHandler ["GetOut", {
        private _veh = _this select 0;
        private _seat = _this select 1;
        private _unit = _this select 2;


        if (_seat isEqualTo "driver") then {
            _unit moveInDriver _veh;
        } else {
            _unit moveInCargo _veh;

They are in the same scope, so referencing _boat should not be an issue, and the actual process of moving units back into the boat when they dismount works when I add it into the init of a vehicle in the editor. I am guessing there is a locality issue I am not completely able to wrap my head around here, because I see on the biki that "It can be assigned to a remote vehicle but will only fire on the PC where the actual addEventHandler command was executed." My issue I haven't work much with event handlers before, and certainly haven't ever tried to use them in a server-only addon, so I am hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction here.

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1 minute ago, RCA3 said:

Try and use this command instead: allowCrewInImmobile

Thanks for the reply!


I actually tried that initially, but my understanding was that it only worked for tracked/wheeled vehicles, which seemed to be the case when I tried it myself. I did not, however, try disabling FSM, as that page suggests. Do you know for sure that it works on boats?

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It seems you're right, as soon as we disable the engine of the boat (e.g. boat1 setHitIndex [1, 1]), the crew starts to disembark with or without allowCrewInImmobile and even with disableAI "all".


For your workaround try adding event handler "GetOutMan" to the boat crew instead of the boat.

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I managed to fix it last night, forgot to reply this morning. I ended up moving the event handler code to its own variable, and spawning the variable from inside of the main variable. This fixed the locality issue (somehow, frankly I don't understand why).

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