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I succesfully took the refueling truck, refueled my chopper and flew to the base for repairs, once it is repaired, I am instantly told to kill an armoured column attacking, pressing the spacebar only gives my rockets, no TOWS(Russian version) so I can't kill the tanks and get a MISSION FAILED. How do I destroy the tanks?


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How did you do it? This mission is so F*#%ing hard!

What's the trick to kill those tanks with these dumb missiles?

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Let your co-pilot kill them , all you have to do is lock onto them with the

right mousebutton and put the little aiming pip over them and your copilot will take them out , but remember to go for the vulcan first , after that you can take your time , try not to fly too fast over the convoy after you kill the vulcan and you can easily target the tanks , thats how I did it .

see you

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The problem is that the missiles often miss target, and there is very little time before the tanks reach the town and the mission fails.

I did finish the mission yesterday. The succesful way was going slow and low, and flying exactly in the same direction as the tanks, coming form behind them.

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