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About Ignacio

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ignacio

    Island addons

    They do work(at least to me), I downloaded the islands using his links.
  2. Jungle Everon 1.2, download here I am collecting all the add ons that are related to jungle version 1.20 and Vietnam for OFP, you can download them from my web site here: http://www.angelfire.com/games4/i_mcguire/index.html The add ons are from Rhino592 and EBUD. It is the updated Jungle Island with the new mission.sqm from SelectThis OFP Editing Moderator OFP Editing Veteran Crusty Old WO
  3. Ignacio

    Avon's Sun Bloc Mission Pack Version 1.0

    Hi Avon, I downloaded this file from MIRROR 1: AvonsSunBlocPackDSPV10.zip and it worked fine finally, thank you very much.
  4. Ignacio

    Avon's Sun Bloc Mission Pack Version 1.0

    Hi Avon, I downloaded WINZIP 8.1 and used it but got the same results. I have these files downloaded and they work good, they are: avonspowderdryrollonpackd85v10.zip avonspowderdryrollonpackdspv10.zip AvonsSunBlocPackD85V10.zip But this one (AvonsSunBlocPackDSPV10.zip) does not work for me
  5. Ignacio

    Avon's Sun Bloc Mission Pack Version 1.0

    Ok, I will download 8.1 and try again, thank you. I will let you know what happens.
  6. Go here for a lot of WW2 add-ons: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin....pre1985 Go here for the nazi soldier: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin....0047049
  7. Ignacio

    Avon's Sun Bloc Mission Pack Version 1.0

    I keep getting this error wit this file: AvonsSunBlocPackDSPV10.zip Winzip Error: Bad Zip file offset (Error local header signature not found) disk #1 offset 0. I can't unzip it. I got it from mirror 1, same thing happens with the other mirrors.
  8. Ignacio

    Jungle Island addon

    You can get VC skins here: http://www.angelfire.com/games4/i_mcguire/index.html Look for this: "OFP VietCong add on from Rhino592" and download.
  9. Ignacio

    Avon's Sun Bloc Mission Pack Version 1.0

    Hello AvonLady, I downloaded this file: AvonsSunBlocPackDSPV10.zip and got this error: Winzip Error: Bad Zip file offset (Error local header signature not found) disk #1 offset 0. I have downloaded from mirror 2 & 3, mirror no. 1 does not work for me (can't download using mirror 1). This file "AvonsSunBlocPackD85V10.zip" worked ok, no problems with it. I am using WINZIP 8.0 (3105).
  10. Ignacio

    Mission GROUNDED

    Never mind, found the answer, thanks.
  11. Ignacio

    Mission GROUNDED

    I succesfully took the refueling truck, refueled my chopper and flew to the base for repairs, once it is repaired, I am instantly told to kill an armoured column attacking, pressing the spacebar only gives my rockets, no TOWS(Russian version) so I can't kill the tanks and get a MISSION FAILED. How do I destroy the tanks? Thanks.
  12. Ignacio

    Are the red hammer missions as good as OFP????

    I'm in the third mission and find it to be a great campaign as a Russian soldier, fantastic add-on.
  13. Ignacio

    Wheres the RH add on?

    Bought mine at BEST BUY, it was on special for 10 bucks last week, went there the next day and none were left, glad i got it on time! Great campaign, love it.
  14. Ignacio

    BIS - Pleses implement a \'lean\' movement

    84 Charlie Mopic is a good movie.
  15. Ignacio

    War Television Series

    COMBAT! Sgt. Saunders, Kirby, Littlejohn, Caje, Lt. Hanley, Doc kicked ass. This TV show was from the sixties.