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Well, i think i've just about given up.

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Any of you who read my posts know fully well where I stand on the issue of Operation Flashpoint's many problems. After many months of little improvement and little promise of improvement, I have become weary of Operation Flashpoint (I am not only talking about the complete death of the version one point four six online community). I am not falling away from it because it is "too hard" or "too realistic," or even because I have "gotten bored of it." The opposite is true. Bohemia Interactive seems to have abandoned what made Operation Flashpoint unique and is now heading along a more popular path. Now, most of you will see this thread as "attention whoring." That's fine. You say, "Yay! The whiney, grumpy, nitpicky guy is leaving!" But I ask you, am I really the only player that is displeased for these reasons? More importantly, am I the only player that has not bought Resistance, and has also become weary of Operation Flashpoint, for these reasons? I will tell you. I am not. You are rid, perhaps, of one more of us, but the problems with the game still remain. Well, if you are happy with it, I suppose that you need no change. I do await Operation Flashpoint's sequel - not the next patch to attempt to fix the previous one's newly introduced problems, and not the next degradation. Oops! I mean "expansion." I do not have a great store of hope for this, but I have some. I remember what Operation Flashpoint originally was.

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I would like to know what BIS have changed to make this game so bad, please enlighten me.

I feel that OFP have just got better and better, BIS have done a fine job.


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Yay!  The whiney, grumpy, nitpicky guy is leaving!

But seriously....you say you aren't an attention whore, but after all you say, i find that to be untrue. Man, i've heard you complain so much about this game, yet you STILL kept playing and bitching. You found it necessary to invade threads with your approval, or lack thereof, of EVERYTHING. I don't think i've seen you post one positive thing. Now, i'm not helping the fact of this thread inevitably getting locked, but jeez man, the only concievable reason i see for someone doing what you do, is to get a reaction. And frankly, its rude and completely unnecessary. You go about it totally the wrong way. If you have problems with something, grow up and do it like an adult. Don't sit there and whine like a 5 year old whos just lost his G.I. Joe. God, i'm glad you are going. Granted i hate to see anyone leave OFP, but the community doesn't need the likes of you and your constant thrashing of everything. Good riddens to bad rubbish. mad.gif


I wish i would not of posted and payed you no attention. I ask of all the people that have yet to read this, please don't respond and give him the satisfaction of getting your reactions. Simply wait until, hopefully, this thread is locked.

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