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BO 150 Problem

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The new update is terrific. Especially the BO105 is a dream.
Hopefully there will also be a campaign.
I can make something myself, but of course it is very complex and you know what happens and where 😉


But I have a problem with the BO:

1. I can bring her as a pilot in the perfect auto-hover flight

2. Then, I switch to "Schütze"

3. If I use "Steuerung freigeben" (to control the weapon view) the BO starts to sink

4. additionaly, sometimes I cannot switch back to "Pilotensitz" ... the menu item is missing

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The helicopter is sinking down then because there is no pilot left controlling the vehicle. This is expected. You need a crew of two to efficiently operate the Anti Tank Helicopter: One pilot for flying, and one for gunning.

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What you described is a crew of two:

1) The Pilot
2) The Gunner

If you switch from one seat to another, and then release helicopter-controls in order to steer the missile, then the helicopter as no active pilot and will crash.

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Try these steps:
1) Place a PAH-1 in the editor. Make sure it has two people in it: One Pilot and one Gunner. Select the pilot as the player.
2) Preview in the editor
3) Fly into position ready to attack
4) Switch to the gunner seat through the action menu. (Now the AI takes over piloting)
5) You can fire and guide the missile

In the gunner seat you can also click "Take Controls" and it will let you steer the helicopter right there. Just make sure that you have an AI pilot available on the other seat when you release the control, otherwise the helicopter will crash as said earlier.

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You can also stay in the Pilot seat and order your Co-Pilot to engage a Target by looking at one and pressing "T".
Once he's locked up you will see a rectangle and you can then tell him to fire the weapon by pressing the fire button (Not sure if it was just LMB or CTRL+LMB)

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I did exactly that up to  4) ...

but: the AI cannot keep the altitude ... the helicopter sinks

therefore,  I activate autopilot and the heli keep position and altidude.

That works on "pilot" and "gunner" seat ...

Interesting: with the analog joystick throttle I can still adjust increase/decrease/hover precisely.


then, if I activate "Steuerung freigeben" (on the gunner seat) the heli sinks ... (the autopilot can not keep the altitude, and there is no reaction for analoge input anymore):

thats the problem ...



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  On 6/28/2020 at 1:01 PM, anfi71@hotmail.com said:

@ KokaKolaA3:  thank you.  yes, that works (LMB)

But ... it's not the same as attack itself ... 😉

No problem, the issue with the heli sinking when the AI is the Pilot is standard Arma bahviour, not a particular problem with GM or the Bo-105.
If you lock up a target quick enough, then the AI will hold line of sight with the target you selected.
It's not really great, but it's probably the best solution for SP, if you want to actually play properly, you gotta do it in MP.

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